MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope system Manufacturer and supplier
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  • diagram of parts of the eyedr bernard jensen iridology chart

    Iridology is the study of the iris, or the colored part of the eye, as a means of analyzing and interpreting health conditions and characteristics. The iridology chart, also known as an iris chart, is a visual tool used by iridologists to examine and analyze the iris for indications of various conditions and characteristics. Here is a diagram of the

  • do you need a license to do iridology in california

      Alternative medicine practices, such as iridology, are not regulated in the same way as mainstream medical practices. This means that anyone can claim to be an iridologist and offer iridology services need specific education or training. In conclusion, it is not necessary to have a license to practice iridology in California.

  • how to take a picture of your eye for iridology

    To take a picture of the eye for iridology, the practitioner will typically ask the person to sit in a chair and look straight ahead. The practitioner will then hold the iridology camera up to the person’s eye and take a picture of the iris. The process is usually quick and painless, and the person being photographed should not experience

  • how to take a picture of your eyes for iridology

    To take a picture of the eyes for iridology, practitioners typically use a special tool called an iridology camera or iriscope. This device is a specialized camera that takes pictures of the iris. The pictures are then analyzed by the practitioner, who looks for patterns, colors, and other features in the iris that are believed to be indicative of specific

  • iridology what does a black ring around the iris mean

    Iridology is a system of alternative medicine that involves examining the iris, the colored part of the eye, for signs of health or illness. According to iridologists, different areas and patterns in the iris can indicate different things about a person’s health. A black ring around the iris could potentially be interpreted as a sign of toxicity or congestion in

  • Software Para Iriscopio

    Como funciona o software para iriscopio? 1. instalar o software.   Ligue a chave USB cor-de-laranja ao seu PC. 3Open desktopCadiCV Advance Analysis System English Version”. 1) SeleccioneUser”, password: 111111, depois clique em: “Login”. 2) Clique emFerramentas do Clientee introduza os dados do seu cliente. Se puder, clique emAdicionare depois clique emFechar”. 3) …