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  • manual para la practica de la iridologia pdf


  • dra juanita en monterrey medicina alternativa iridologia acupuntura


  • iridologia masa cancerosa del lado derecho del higado

    Pérdida de apetito Pérdida de peso sin razón aparente Fatiga Dolor abdominal Fiebre Coloración amarillenta de la piel y los ojos (ictericia) Si tiene alguno de estos síntomas, es importante que hable con un médico para evaluar su salud y determinar la causa.

  • iridology in practice revealing the secrets of the eye

    Iridology is a technique in to be able to assess a person’s health by examining the iris of their eye. According to practitioners of iridology, different parts of the iris correspond to different organs and systems in the body, and changes in the appearance of the iris can indicate health issues in those corresponding areas.

  • can you tell if you are pregnant by iridology

      No, it is not possible to determine whether a person is pregnant through iridology. Iridology is a technique in which practitioners claim to be able to assess a person’s health by examining the iris of their eye. According to practitioners of iridology, different parts of the iris correspond to different organs and systems in the body, and changes in

  • how do you look at an eye for iridology

    Iridology is a technique in which to be able to assess a person’s health by examining the iris of their eye. According to practitioners of iridology, different parts of the iris correspond to different organs and systems in the body, and changes in the appearance of the iris can indicate health issues in those corresponding areas. To perform an iridology