MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope system Manufacturer and supplier
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  • Iridology

    Did one of your relatives have high blood pressure? How about alcoholism, mental illness or high cholesterol? Perhaps the very colour of your eyes could reveal if you are apt to go down that same road. Iridologists find that the markings and changing lines in a person’s iris can be traced to show an oncoming sickness or an inherited predisposition. …

  • A Brief History of Iridology

    In 1670, iridology was documented as a diagnostic tool by Phillipus Meyen, but it wasn’t until the late 19th century that a doctor by the name of Ignatz von Peczely connected the lines of the iris to specific ailments. As a child, Ignatz caught an owl but accidentally broke one of its wings. He saw that a dark stripe appeared

  • Holistic Principles of Iridology

    The holistic concept of alternative medicine is that each part of the body, if examined correctly, will tell you what you need to know about the other parts of the body. For instance, in Chinese medicine, a lot of time is spent on examining the pulse and nerves, and in Chiropractic, a misaligned spine is a diagnostic part of treating

  • Visiting an Iridologist

    During your first visit to the iridologist, they will ask you a series of questions, a medical history if you will, and examine your eyes not unlike a more traditional doctor, using a penlight and magnifying glass. They will then use a completely painless and non-invasive procedure to take pictures of your eyes and, concentrating on the iris, will blow

  • Benefits of an Iridology Consultation

    ne of the benefits is to think of your visit as a well care check up. They can tell you about your overall health and find the signs of possibly developing problems. It is a preventive medicine which can save you thousands down the road if you know what you need to do to keep yourself healthy. One of the

  • How to Use Iridology to Improve Health

    Introduction Iridology is the practice of examining the iris of the eye for markings and discolorations in order to determine possible health problems they might indicate. Different sectors of the iris are said to correspond to different areas of the body. Different markings indicate possible vulnerabilities in those areas. Iridology isn’t used to diagnose specific diseases or conditions. Rather, it’s