What is iridology courses Sydney australia?
Iridology is the practice of studying iris fibre patterns and colours. Each body part and organ has a corresponding area in your iris. Iridologists interpret your iris signs to establish how your body is working, what your genetic inheritance dictates and what natural medicines may be the most appropriate to enhance your health.
This is done by examining the iris and taking high resolution digital iris photos which then belong to you exclusively. Every client that comes to the practice has access to this invaluable health record for future reference.
What’s the benefit of having an iridology consultation?
First, it will be one of the most empowering consultations you’ll ever experience in your life.
This iris landscape is interpreted by using a magnifying glass and an iris digital camera. As the iris is projected on the screen, and with insightful, positive and therapeutic interpretation, clients’ can instantly learn about a wide range of health, lifestyle and inherited health related factors.