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» مدونة » iridology

علم القزحية

علم القزحية

  • iridology courses uk

    1 Iridology A CNM Professional course in Iridology – analysis of the eye’s coloured iris – could throw open the curtains to a new level of diagnostic insight for you and your patients. By helping to reveal a person’s underlying constitution, information displayed in the iris can suggest especially useful therapies to complement your specialism. About the course Iridology is

  • nerve rings iridology ,Examples,Images

    1)What is nerve rings iridology ? Nerve rings are depressions in the iris stroma and also are referred to as neurovascular cramp rings, cramp rings, contraction rings or nerve rings. These may be inherited or acquired but either shows that the individual has some degree of nerve tension or anxiety. They can also indicate mineral deficiencies, especially calcium. In today’s

  • iridology parasites

    1)WHAT ARE PARASITES? Parasite: Root in Latin parasitus, root in Greek parsitos. Parasites are organisms that extract their food, nutrition and shelter by living in or on another organism, causing damage and distraction to the host. More than 100 different types of parasites are known to use humans as their hosts. There are many species of parasites that show no

  • iridology eye map

    1)iridology eye map chart 2)What is iridology? HOW CAN IRIDOLOGY HELP ME? Iridology is potentially an integral part of preventive health care. It has the ability to forewarn of approaching difficulties or signs ofdisease. Iridology can be a powerful tool, allowing one to determine what is transpiring inside the body from a simple, painless, and economical

  • علم القزحية السلوكي

    1)Who is behavioral iridology?Like fingerprints every iris on the planet is unique to its owner. The eyes of another are often our first contact point. Within a few seconds of meeting a stranger we are already beginning to consciously or unconsciously feel what that individual may be like. Access tools to achieve personal goals Create personal abundance Understand

  • Top 12 iridology charts

    There are many iris reflections on the market, the following is Top 12 iridology charts