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‘m curious about my eyes

May 13, 2015

'm curious about my eyes

Gwen Nelson‎Iridology
April 19 ·

I’m curious about my eyes. The whites seem blue tinged and my mother and I both have greenish irises with the yellow ring around the pupil.
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Lisa Kern A diet change would be beneficial for a t least a month cut out acid foods, this would be white flour/carbohydrates. Limit sugar in the diet and drink lots of water with lemon in it. Apple cider vinegar in water would be good to help lymph. Drink plenty of water each day and support the glandular system.
April 29 at 9:42am · Like · 1
Gwen Nelson I have a condition Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome hypermobile type which affects collagen in all parts of my body. I don’t normally get heart flutter or bronchial problems. Have had IBS for years and am unable to eat broccoli, cauliflower or leeks. Also have several drug allergies.
April 29 at 7:00pm · Edited · Like
Gwen Nelson I’m a little confused as Shari says too much acid isn’t good but Lisa suggests lemon and Apple cider vinegar. I always thought these were both acidic. Help!!!!!
May 3 at 6:18pm · Like
Lily Byrne Lemon juice and ACV are alkaline in the body.
May 3 at 8:33pm · Like
Gwen Nelson Aaaah OK Tx Lily.
May 3 at 8:35pm · Like · 1
Beth Weaver id work on kidneys ,adrenals first, id also detox on watermelon. master cleanse lemon aide, grapes , herbal formulas for intestines, seems like the orange spots could be sulfur, yeast, parasites, or all the above , some areas to get the lymph movingthen go deeper.check thyroid basil temps, and check blood pressures on both sides to see were adrenals are all raw
May 5 at 11:37pm · Like · 1

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