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» أخبار » iridology

علم القزحية

علم القزحية

  • ما هو القزحية؟

    Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye in order to diagnose the presence of any disease. Iridology is based on the assumption that every organ in the human body has a corresponding location within the iris and that one can determine whether an organ is healthy or diseased by examining the iris. Traditional medical practitioners also recognize

  • Iridology Examination

    Iridology Examination

  • Iridology Vibratory Theory

    control our subconscious activities such as breathing, and our conscious activities such as physical movement. Our reflexes and the functioning of our or organs are controlled by these mainly electrical impulses (vibrations). Our existence, our health and well-being depend upon a constant stream of these signals between our brain and the many parts of our bodies. When the signals are

  • Iridology Links

    Dr. Arkady N. Prodeus Senior Lecturer, Senior Researcher Scientist A must visit with superb new software Dr. Bryan K. Marcia Canadian Neuro-Optic Research Institute Very knowledgeable Courses In Iridology,Educational Software,Cameras & Software, Events & Seminars, Clinical Studies Dr Dan Waniek, MD.Beautiful images, unusual information, interesting investigations. Lifetime achievements of Dr. Bernard Jensen. Online resource center of holistic books, nutritional products,

  • علم القزحية

    An alternative diagnostic method which some claim is well on the way to becoming the medicine of the future. But what is Iridology and what are the pros and cons of this holistic approach? What is Iridology? Iridology is the study of the iris (portion of eye showing colour) as a method of diagnosing a persons physical and psychological condition.

  • Iridology-What can the eyes really tell ?

    IntroductionLook into my eyes my dearis a popular and seductive quote based on the romantic notion that theeyes are the window to the soul. It is well known that certain emotional states such as stress, sexual stimulation, and intoxication with certain substances can cause characteristic changes in pupil size. Iridology is an entirely different concept that