MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope system Manufacturer and supplier
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  • what is iridology and how does it work

    what is iridology? Like reflexology, iridology is based on the principle that the iris, the colored part of the eye, reflects a microcosm of the body. There are no two irises exactly alike; every iris is as unique as a fingerprint. Reading the color and pattern of the iris fibers gives insights into underlying inherent weaknesses passed down through three

  • holistic iridology–Dr. David J. Pesek

    holistic iridologyDr. David J. Pesek David J. Pesek has earned five degrees including Ph.D.’s in psychology and iridology. He is a clinical nutritionist and a member of Iridologists International (B. Jensen), an honorary association. David is also a psychotherapist and a member of PSI CHI, the National Honor Society of Psychology. Dr. Pesek has received the honorary title of Doctor

  • holistic iridology

    Who holistic iridology? The International Institute of Iridology® was founded on the principles of providing ethical and quality education for those seeking the leading edge information in iridology. For over a quarter of a century the Institute has maintained a high level of professionalism and excellence and expects the same from the students who enter into the program of study

  • iridology brown eyes

    What is the iridology brown eyes? Brown Eyed Type (German: Haematogenic) Description Pure brown eye with pigments covering iris fibre structure. Related to the primary colour red and the physical aspect of health. Probably Chinese constitutional types: fire and earth. Probability related to Western fire and earth constitutions as well.   What the mean iridology brown eyes? Pure brown eyes

  • iridology eye color change

    iridology eye color change what the mean? Iris Color The eye’s color alone reveals a great deal of positive information. There are only two basic iris colors: blue, brown and a mixture of the two, appropriately called ‘mixed’. All irises can be placed in one of these color groups. Green eyes do not really exist as the green appearance of

  • is iridology real Best Answer:Yes

    is iridology real or not? The following is the answer to the use of the iridology, you can get the answer. Iridology is a legitimate study, worth pursuing. The eyes are a window into the entire body. Similar to the Ayurveda technique of analyzing the tongue secretions to identify problem areas in major organs, Iridology maps areas of the eye