Camera de iridologie mai Profesională Producătorul și furnizorul iriscope Producător și furnizor

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A large number of customers usually encountered iridology software upgrades, downloads, installation problems, the sub-column terminology to respond to customers encountered problems with the answer.

  • 2025-2-25 Spanish 12MP 9822 iridology camera iriscope Fernando Álvarez iridology software download

    Spanish Fernando:Hola!!Hace años compré la maquina de Iridología,No la he usado durante mucho tiempo,Hoy quise usarla y veo que el CD está dañado,Pueden ayudarme?Por favor necesito recuperar el CD para poder usar la maquina,Que puedo hacer? MAIKONG MARK: Puedo ayudarte, puedo proporcionarte un enlace para descargarlo en línea. Necesita la URL de descarga? Spanish Fernando:Sii,Gracias!!!Muy amable!! MAIKONG MARK:9822U 12MP URL

  • USA 9809 Iriscope Camille Iridology software Download

      USA Camille:Greetings! I own two prior versions of the Iriscope that have been outdated and no longer compatible to utilize and have been practicing Iridology for over 20 years now. I discovered the new updated 2024-25 software now available to download. Do you know how I can access this software for my Iriscope? Thank you in advance for your

  • 2025-2-25 Mexico Aula 5mp iriscope 980 software download and online install

    2025-2-25 Mexico Aula 5mp iriscope 980 software download and online install Mexico Aula:Hi,This is Jordi González MARIKONG MARK:hello,what can i hepl you,can you send me your machine and usb key pic? Mexico Aula:Sorry It Is on my store right now,I’ll send you in the morning,Hi, my name is Jordi Gonzalez. I’m a technician working for a customer. We are

  • 2025-2-20 Switzerland Disponible CADI DM9822u Driver Download For WIN 11

    2025-2-20 Switzerland Disponible CADI DM9822u Driver Download For WIN 11 Switzerland disponible:Bonjour, j’ai un iriscope DM 9922 et j’aimerais l’installer sur mon pc Windows 11. Je n’ai pas le software. Comment faire? MAIKONG MARK:yes,Bonjour, pouvez-vous m’envoyer une photo de la machine et de la clé USB, je peux vous fournir un lien de téléchargement en ligne.,Puis-je vous demander où

  • 2025-2-5 México arma 12MP 9822U iridology camera iriscope need online support

    2025-2-5 México arma 12MP 9822U iridology camera iriscope need online support Arma:Hellogood afternoon,I bought a camera and it is difficult for me to handle it because it has no instruction manual,is there one you can send me,please and thank you. mark:Hi, thanks for the information, can you provide me with a picture of your camera and usb key, can I

  • 2025-2-3 USA Sunshine Need 980U iridology software for Apple MAC OS

    2025-2-3 USA Sunshine Need 980U iridology software for Apple MAC OS USA Sunshine Q: hello,I have the camera 980u model from my apple mac os.can you send me the download iridology software url? MAIKONG MARK:hello msunshine,thank for your message,980 us is 5mp iriscope,it just support win system,but the iridology software and driver not support the mac os. thank you.