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  • iridology eye map

    1)iridology eye map chart 2)What is iridology?   HOW CAN IRIDOLOGY HELP ME? Iridology is potentially an integral part of preventive health care. It has the ability to forewarn of approaching difficulties or signs ofdisease”. Iridology can be a powerful tool, allowing one to determine what is transpiring inside the body from a simple, painless, and economical

  • behavioral iridology

    1)Who is behavioral iridology?   “Like fingerprints every iris on the planet is unique to its owner. The eyes of another are often our first contact point. Within a few seconds of meeting a stranger we are already beginning to consciously or unconsciously feel what that individual may be like”. Access tools to achieve personal goals Create personal abundance Understand

  • iridology houston

    1)Who trained and tested iridology in Houston? Houston, Texas Iridology Dr. Stephen A. SteevesHealth Practitioner 3 John 2 – I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. Location: Houston, United States Arturo FalconHealth Practitioner Our goal is to help people prevent and avoid health disorders; and

  • Top 12 iridology charts

    There are many iris reflections on the market, the following is Top 12 iridology charts

  • 56 PCS iridology pictures

    56 PCS iridology pictures The Science behind the challenge What is Iridology? Iridology’s beginning started in the early 1800s when a young boy named Ignatz von Peczely of Egernar, near Budapest, Hungary, caught an owl one day. The eleven year old boy struggled with the frightened bird and met with the fierce claws as the bird instinctively tried to

  • iridology science book review

    1)excellent book, black and white pictures, great information This is an excellent book. The book is volume one of a two volume set. The second volume has many full color pictures and more description of interpreting the eyes and the challenges the body is dealing with. This volume has a few color pictures and the balance of the pictures are