Maikong Professional iridología Fabricante y proveedor de Iriscope

curso en línea de iridología

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curso en línea de iridología

curso en línea de iridología

  • iridología ¿Qué significa un anillo negro alrededor del iris?

    Iridology is a system of alternative medicine that involves examining the iris, the colored part of the eye, for signs of health or illness. According to iridologists, different areas and patterns in the iris can indicate different things about a person’s health. A black ring around the iris could potentially be interpreted as a sign of toxicity or congestion in

  • iridología civil

    How does Rayid differ from the physical view of the iris? Iridology is the study of the iris or colored part of the eye and is used as a diagnostic tool by trained healthcare professionals. Through the various markings, signs and discoloration on the iris, nature reveals the genetic weaknesses and strengths, personality traits, patterns, behavioral traits, attitudes, challenges and

  • cómo leer tablas optométricas de iridología

    ¿Qué es la iridología? “El iris, la esclera y el alumno del ojo muestran el velo que el alma ha creado, a través de la conciencia (u olvido), que refleja la ilusión que prepara el alma para alcanzar la realidad de la iluminación completa.” ~ David J. Pesek, Ph.D., septiembre de 1988, los ojos se han denominado durante mucho tiempo como el “Ventanas del alma.” But few people are aware

  • bernard jensen iridology chart 9

    El ojo: el plan de un cuerpo sano al ojo: el plan para un cuerpo sano el ojo según Iridology El iris del ojo es como un plan para todo el cuerpo. Los iridólogos creen que el ojo es un intrincado plan para las fortalezas y debilidades inherentes de una persona. Para aquellos lectores que no son conscientes de …

  • bernard jensen iridology chart 7

    What Iridology Cannot Reveal? Predict or indicate blood pressure levels (abnormal or normal), blood sugar level or other specific diagnostic findings or laboratory test results. Psychic, medium or fortune-told information Identify what medication or drugs an individual is taking or has used in the past. Determine what surgical operations a person has had. Tell what foods a person does or

  • iris reading chart 6

    What is Iridology? What is Iridology? Iridology (pronounced eye-ri-dology) is the art and science of analyzing the color and structure of the iris to determine tissue integrity throughout the body, thereby gaining valuable health information regarding strengths and weaknesses. Iridologists study the iris, particularly the color, markings, changes and other aspects, as they are associated with tissue degeneration. Iridology is