Maikong Professional iridología Fabricante y proveedor de Iriscope

cámara de iridología

» cámara de iridología

  • Presupuesto
  • Installation & Operation
  • Gráfico de iiridología de Makong
  • Lista de parámetros de configuración

iriscope what it?

iriscope for sale

Iriscope para la venta

iriscope for sale

Iriscope para la venta

iriscope for sale

Iriscope para la venta

iriscope for sale

Iriscope para la venta

What is Iriscope digital camera?-Please feel free to look at this website for our USB Digital Iriscope, Iridology camera, iris camera, eyology and sclerology USB system ccarry case .

Iriscope para la venta Australia
Iriscope para la venta

The EyeRonec Pebble Pro Iridology camera has been created for the NON TECHNICAL Naturopath and Natural Therapist, Iridologist and Herbalist.

The EyeRonec Pebble Pro Digital Iriscope takes only a little space on the desk and is very portable, Once your MAC or PC has the software installed all you need to do is plug the camera into the USB.

The EyeRonec Iridology iris camera needs No chin-rest, No dreaded flash, No ambient light problems, No heavy cases to carry,

El EyeRonec Pebble Prp se vende por menos que el precio de otros “solo camara” precio.

The latest EyeRonec model Iriscameras have 8 light (for blue eyes) and 2+ side lighting LED’s for brown eyes.

The lights (white dots) are within the pupil zone ! No artifacts (white dots or streaks) in the iris so pictures are better than images taken with”abierto” cámaras del sistema

what iriscope can do?

  1. take the iridology eye iridolology images.
  2. add comters info the iridology software.
  3. analyser the iridology eye images.
  4. save the reports.
  5. print the iridology analysis reports.

Iriscope para la venta

We are the iridology camera,iriscope supplier,if you need the iriscope ,please contact us.

iriscope for sale

Iriscope para la venta

iriscope for sale

Iriscope para la venta

iriscope for sale

Iriscope para la venta

Iridology history

The practice of Iridology has origins as far back as Ancient Egypt. It is here that drawings have been found relating the eye to the anatomy of the body. Modern iridology is in its infancy of less than two hundred years founded in 1861 by Ignatz Von Peczley, a doctor from Hungary. The story goes that as a young man Von Peczley had found an owl with a broken leg which he noticed to have had a black line in the bright yellow iris. As he nursed the owl back to health the line filled in with fine white lines and eventually looked like new. This observation stimulated Von Peczley to investigate the correlation with the iris and health. His knowledge as a doctor allowed him to create the first known map that connected the iris to specific problems within the aspects of his patients.

IridologyAround the same time a young Swedish boy Nils Liljequist became ill after a vaccination and needed to take quinine for treatment. He noticed his eyes changed color with the medicine and he published maps that coincided similarly with Von Peczley. Over the years iridology has expanded, matured and advanced technologically. From the Germans and Eastern Europeans to the pioneering work of the American Bernard Jensen who is the father of modern iridology, all have tested its diagnostic potentials upon hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Today practitioners in all fields of medicine are still utilizing iridology.

How to take a iridology picture?

I would like to work with an Iridologist not in my area. How do I get pictures of my eyes to them? Answer). Email your photos. If you are taking the pictures yourself, use a camera or camera phone and a flashlight to take 10 still, close-up photos of each eye. How do I do it? Simply shine the flashlight at the outer corner of the eye, and have someone take the photos for you close-up. The flashlight will illuminates the eye. Use your thumb and index finger to lift-up your top and bottom eyelid until the entire eye is visible (the top and bottom part of your eye must be visible); if that doesn’t work, then open your eye wide enough to where the photographer can see the top and bottom part of your eye. Then Look Straight into the camera’s eye, and shine a flashlight, or pin light directly at each corner of your eye (one eye at a time). This will illuminate your iris fibers so that the camera can pick-up the iris fibers. All is needed is a photo of your iris (eye) and not your entire face .

iriscope for sale

Iriscope para la venta

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iridology software?

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software de cámara de iridología

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iridology camera software

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Lugar de origenGuangdong, China
Garantía1 año
Servicio postventaSoporte técnico por vídeo
Tipocámara de iridología, iriscope
CaracterísticaAnálisis de pigmentación, análisis de arrugas de la piel, detectar la humedad de la piel
SolicitudPara uso doméstico
Nombre de la marcaMAICO
Número de modeloMK-9822U
Píxeles12 megapíxeles
IdiomaInglés / español
SistemaWindows XP, Win2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple Mac OS
Resolución del sensor CCD5.0MP
Detalles de embalajeCartón de exportación
Plazo de entrega5-7 días (dependiendo de la cantidad)
Capacidad de suministro10000 piezas/piezas por mes
Tamaño de paquete único33x28x12 cm
Peso bruto único2.500 kg


SOFTWARE DE IRIDOLOGÍA MAIKONG Instalación y funcionamiento


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Somos una fábrica líder mundial de iriscopios con cámara de iridología, que ofrece precios competitivos y excelente calidad. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la cámara de iridología, no dude en contactarnos.

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