¿Qué es la iridología?
Iridology Definition
Iridology, also called iris analysis or iris diagnosis, is the study of the iris (the colored part of the eye). Iris “readings” are made by iridologists to assess a person’s health picture (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) and guide them to take measures to improve their health.Iridology: Iridology is the analysis of the iris, which is the colorful area of the eye that surrounds the pupil. By analyzing the iris, a person’s level of health and specific areas of nutritional deficiency can be identified. This allows appropriate remedies to be recommended.The International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA) states that iridology is “the study of the iris, or colored part, of the eye. This structure has detailed fibers and pigmentation that reflects information about our physical and psychological makeup.
It identifies inherited dispositions (how our body reacts to our environment and what symptoms are most likely to occur), risks (what areas or organ systems are more likely to have symptoms) and future challenges (where we are likely to have more problems as we age). Iridology helps identify inherited emotional patterns which can create or maintain physical symptoms, as well as identify lessons or challenges and gifts or talents available to us.”

How is Iridology Used?
How is Iridology Used?
Iridology is a tool to assess where inherent strengths and deficiencies are located within the body, however it does not give solutions as such. Many different types of health practitioners may practice iridology. Each would then use their own particular realm of expertise to determine the type of treatment they would use in response to what they observe in the eyes of the client.

What irodology chart of the Left Eye Iris?
What irodology chart of the Left Eye Iris?
El gráfico de iridología para el iris del ojo izquierdo define los muchos detalles de la zona de iridología trazados para mostrar cómo la iridología se relaciona con los tejidos. & organs of the human body-The irodology chart below documents the left eye Iris zones related to tissues and organs in the body from Dr. Bernard Jenson’s charting of Iridology zones. Our Iridologist who studied under Dr. Jensen utilizes the iridology chart to identify possible weaknesses in tissues and organs of the body.

How does the iris reflect what is going on within the body?
How does the iris reflect what is going on within the body?
The numerous internal systems of the body are directly linked to the iris through the body’s central nervous system. Decades of research have shown that through these connections the iris can reveal genetically-inherited physical and emotional characteristics.

iiridology Analysis, Not Diagnosis
iiridology Analysis, Not Diagnosis
Early day iridologists referred to iris “diagnosis,” and in fact in other countries it is sometimes still referred to as “iris diagnosis.” Today we refer to the art and science as “analysis.” In the United States, making a “diagnosis” implies that you are a doctor duly licensed to diagnose. The term “análisis” is accurate when referring to iridology.