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Contact me Contact me Articles Blog Recent Work Portfolio Professional Profile About me Homepage Home My blog, here you will find the latest news. Characteristics related to Neurogenic constitution Categoría: Iridology and Health Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Share on print More Sharing Services 0 Neurogenic constitution is characterized by the presence of very thin and …
The color of iris can be affected by the accumulation of medicines or chemical deposits on the body, these deposits are reflected as spots with different patterns on the iris. Thus, diathesis can be classified depending on the characteristics of spots and chemical deposits signs found on iris. Uric acid Diathesis This sign can be found with more frequency on …
The Frontal Neuroendocrine IPB Tissues Some of the morphologies tissues appeared in solitary form and usually unilateral sign, they are tend to present in the frontal section of the IPB tissues. Please identify the morphologies were attached on the frontal aspect of the IPB…If you identified a distortion, deviation or multiple morphologies on the frontal section of the IPB that …
Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim,, Assalammualaikum Wr Wb.. Apa itu IRIDOLOGI..??? IRIDOLOGI adalah Ilmu pengetahuan dan Praktik yg dapat mengungkapkan adanya peradangan (inflamasi), penimbunan toksin dalm jaringan organ tubuh, bendungan kelenjar (congestion), di mana lokasinya (Pada organ mana yg terdapat peradangan), dan seberapa tingkat keparahan kondisinya (akut, subakut, kronis dan generatif) dengan cara mengamati dan menganalisis susunan Iris mata (sering di sebut selaput pelangi …