portable iriscope is what?

portable iriscope

portable iriscope

portable iriscope

portable iriscope
Nombre: Iridology Cámara Instrumentos quirúrgicos para la cirugía maxilofacial Funciones y características principales: a. Bonita apariencia y diseño guapo
b. Iluminador de luz fría alrededor de la cámara
do. Lente importada con capa de recubrimiento
d. Sensor CMOS importado con 5 mega píxeles
mi. Lente especial de manipulación de imágenes DSP
F. La luz de control de la cámara de 8 mm para encender o no.
gramo. Muestre los cambios de video de forma rápida, clara y precisa.
h. Capaz de guardar, imprimir informes de la información de los clientes
i. Fácil de operar y ahorrando tiempo. Voltaje nominal: DC5V 500MA Color: Especificación blanca (Longitud*Ancho*Altura MM): Mango: 157*52*39 8 mmcamera: 60*45 Box de papel: 220*153*73 Peso neto (G): Mango: 147.60 8 mmcamera: 29.00 Box de papel: 103.00 Ilustración de Iridología: 204.00 Otro evaluación: 74.20 Peso neto de la máquina (G): 557.80
1. Manejar (botón de pausa)
2.8 mmcamera
3. Box de papel
4. Camera Protective Cover Paquete de evaluación Ilustración de Iridology Compare la tabla de doce síntomas de Iris CD de la tarjeta de garantía (conductor y software) Prueba la atención: Número del conductor: DM004 Ilustración de Iridology 8 mm
Controlador de instrucciones de operación de cámara de instrumento y CD de software
R. Sugerimos que use el software de video en Windows XP, y la resolución de la pantalla debe ser 1024*768 píxeles.
B. Desinstale el otro controlador de la cámara digital antes de instalar el controlador del iris.
C. Cualquier entrega incorrecta que desobedezca la instrucción de operación que lidere el daño del instrumento no se compensan. ADVERTENCIA :: Antes de usar el instrumento, el usuario debe limpiar la superficie de la cámara con alcohol; Cualquiera que tenga enfermedad ocular o enfermedad de la piel tenga precaución por favor. Cualquier paciente lo necesita en una situación especial, siga la dirección del médico.

portable iriscope

portable iriscope

portable iriscope

portable iriscope
Iriscope portátil para PC
Iriscope USB digital portátil
portable iriscope
portable iriscope what can do?
the portable iriscope can take the iridology eye picture to your pc,and you can use the iridology softare to analysis. the iridology software can save the coumter info ,and print the analysis reports.
portable iriscope how to get the price?
We are the portable iriscope,iriscope,iridology camera supplier,if you need the portable iriscope price,please contact ,we can offeer OEM.
Iridology how it work?
What is Iridology and how does it work?-Explain the science of it. How is the eye literally the window to the soul?-Iridology is the science of the iris, or colored portion, of the eye. The iris contains bundles of thousands of nerve fibers and is a reflection of the entire body.
The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and central nervous system through the optic nerve. The optic nerve connects to the central nervous system (CNS) which is the main communication link to everything that goes on in the body.
Think of your brain as your body’s ‘hard drive;’ it remembers everything that ever happened to your body. Your iris is then like the ‘file folder.’ So ‘reading’ the iris to find out what is going on in the body is similar to how one reads a computer screen to access what’s in a computer.nstrued in many countries as practicing medicine without a license.

portable iriscope

portable iriscope
What is iridology Benefits?
Iridologists claim that by studying the patterns of a person’s iris, they can provide helpful and accurate health and wellness information. Iridology is a holistic endeavor in that it addresses the person’s whole being in the reading. The range of information gleaned encompasses physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of the person’s health picture. In addition to assessing the person’s general level of health, readings can reveal other data, including energy quotients; internal areas of irritation, degeneration, injury, or inflammation; nutritional,and chemical imbalances; accumulation of toxins; life transitions; and subconscious tensions. Iridologists maintain that the eyes reveal information about the person’s physical and emotional constitution, such as inherited weaknesses and risks to which the person may be prone. Strengths may also be revealed, including inherited emotional tendencies from which the person derives particular talents. Cleansing and healing can be verified by changes in the iris. By looking for certain signs such as healing lines, iridologists obtain information about previous health problems and injuries and discover what may have gone wrong in the person’s past.
An iridology reading reflects the causes of problems, not symptoms. It may, iridologists claim, reveal that organs or systems are overstressed or predisposed to disease before clinical symptoms even develop. By predicting future problems, iridology can be used as a preventive tool. People can use the information from iridology readings to improve their health and make better behavioral choices in the future, thereby heading off problems before they occur.
In North America, iridology is generally considered to be an assessment tool to be used in cooperation with other health specialties. Iridology is not a diagnostic tool (although it is more likely to be considered so by European iridologists) and should not be used to diagnose or name specific diseases. Not only would diagnosis represent an improper application of iridology according to many iridologists, as noted by the International Iridology Research Association (IIRA), it could also be co

portable iriscope

portable iriscope

portable iriscope

portable iriscope