Maikong Professional iridología Fabricante y proveedor de Iriscope

cámara de iridología

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Professional Iridology Camera: Working Principle, Advantages, Who Needs It, and Its Applications

professional iridology camera

Iridology is an ancient practice that involves examining the iris of the eye to determine a person’s health status. Professional iridology cameras have made the practice easier and more accurate. In this article, we will discuss the working principle, advantages, who needs it, and its applications.

Working Principle

Professional iridology cameras work by taking close-up pictures of the iris using specialized lenses and lighting. The images captured are then analyzed by a computer program that identifies any patterns, colors, or marks on the iris. These patterns and marks correspond to specific organs and body systems, providing valuable information about a person’s health.

professional iridology camera


A) Non-invasive: Iridology is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that does not require any needles or invasive procedures.

B) Quick and Easy: The entire process of taking pictures and analyzing them takes only a few minutes, making it a quick and convenient diagnostic tool.

C) Early Detection: Iridology can detect potential health issues before they manifest as symptoms, allowing for early intervention and treatment.

D) Holistic Approach: Iridology takes a holistic approach to health, considering the whole person rather than just individual symptoms or organs.

professional iridology camera

Who Needs It?

A) Health Professionals: Iridology can be a useful tool for health professionals such as naturopaths, herbalists, and alternative medicine practitioners to help assess a patient’s health status.

B) Individuals Interested in Preventative Health: Iridology can be used to monitor one’s health status and make lifestyle changes to prevent potential health issues.

C) Those with Chronic Health Conditions: Iridology can provide valuable information for those with chronic health conditions, helping to manage symptoms and improve their overall wellbeing.

professional iridology camera


A) Nutritional and Lifestyle Counseling: Iridology can be used to identify potential nutrient deficiencies and imbalances, providing valuable information for nutritional and lifestyle counseling.

B) Alternative Medicine: Iridology can be used as a tool for alternative medicine practitioners to develop personalized treatment plans.

C) Traditional Medicine: Iridology can be used as a complementary diagnostic tool in traditional medicine practices.

D) Wellness and Spa Centers: Iridology can be used in wellness and spa centers to provide clients with a personalized health assessment.

E) Sports and Fitness: Iridology can be used in sports and fitness industries to monitor athleteshealth status and optimize their performance. In conclusion, professional iridology cameras offer a non-invasive, quick, and holistic approach to health assessment.

It is a valuable tool for health professionals, individuals interested in preventative health, and those with chronic health conditions. With various applications ranging from alternative medicine to the sports and fitness industry, iridology can benefit individuals in various industries and help them achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

professional iridology camera



Carta de iridología

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Lugar de origenGuangdong, China
Garantía1 año
Servicio postventaSoporte técnico por vídeo
Tipocámara de iridología, iriscope
CaracterísticaAnálisis de pigmentación, análisis de arrugas de la piel, detectar la humedad de la piel
SolicitudPara uso doméstico
Nombre de la marcaMAICO
Número de modeloMK-9822U
Píxeles12 megapíxeles
IdiomaInglés / español
SistemaWindows XP, Win2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple Mac OS
Resolución del sensor CCD5.0MP
Detalles de embalajeCartón de exportación
Plazo de entrega5-7 días (dependiendo de la cantidad)
Capacidad de suministro10000 piezas/piezas por mes
Tamaño de paquete único33x28x12 cm
Peso bruto único2.500 kg


SOFTWARE DE IRIDOLOGÍA MAIKONG Instalación y funcionamiento


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