What Is Maikong Bernard Jensen Iriscope Vintage? Maikong Bernard Jensen Iriscope Vintage is specialized device used in iridology, study of iris assess health conditions. Inspired by Dr. Bernard Jensen’s pioneere work, this iriscope allows practitioners capture detailed images of iris, aide in health evaluations. History of Bernard Jensen Iriscope Dr. Bernard Jensen, prominent figure in iridology, developed one of earliest …
What is Maikong Bernard Jensen Iriscope? Bernard Jensen Iriscope is a modernized health analysis device inspired by principles of Dr. Bernard Jensen, a pioneer in field of iridology. It combines his vision with our advanced manufacturing capabilities to create a user-friendly, accurate tool for iridology examination. We designed this product for professionals who value accuracy and efficiency in their health …
¿Qué es PEY PT en la tabla de iridología de Jensen? Jensen Iridology Chart es una herramienta ampliamente utilizada en iridología, creada por el Dr. Bernard Jensen, una de las figuras más respetadas en este campo. Este cuadro está diseñado para ayudar a los iridólogos a identificar problemas de salud mediante un mapeo detallado del iris, que muestra varias "zonas" del ojo que corresponden a diferentes órganos. …
La ciencia y la práctica de la iridología de Bernard Jensen, uno de los más grandes sanadores del mundo. El Dr. Jensen ha sido pionero en el campo de la salud holística durante más de 60 años, allanando el camino para la revolución de la salud alternativa que ahora estamos experimentando. El Dr. Jensen comenzó su carrera en el West Coast College of Chiropractic, y Bernard se convirtió en …
bernard jensen iridology chart Here’s a Quick Way to Get It (10 PCS) Bernard Jensen who he? One of the greatest healers the world has ever known.Bernard Jensen Dr. Jensen spent over 60 years as a pioneer in the holistic health field, helping to pave the way for the alternative health revolution that we are now experiencing. Dr. Jensen began …
What is bernard jensen iridology camera? Iridology is the English term for iridologie and iridolog a not to be confused with sclerology which is the term used for the study of the white of the eyes. Iridology or iridologie is practiced by iridologists who use iris charts and iridology cameras that takes iridology pictures, which are checked against an iridology …