Maikong Professional iridología Fabricante y proveedor de Iriscope

parásitos iridología

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¿La iridología mostró parásitos en los ojos? Cómo ayuda MAIKONG a identificar problemas de salud

¿La iridología mostró parásitos en los ojos? Cómo ayuda MAIKONG a identificar problemas de salud

What Does It Mean if Iridology Shows Parasites in Eyes? Iridology Showed Parasites in Eyes?When an iridology analysis indicates signs of parasites, it often reflects imbalances or potential toxicity in specific areas of the body. The iris, being a highly detailed map of the body, can show stress markers, discolorations, or patterns that practitioners associate with parasite activity. We MAIKONG

parásitos iridología

parásitos iridología

1)WHAT ARE PARASITES? Parasite: Root in Latin parasitus, root in Greek parsitos. Parasites are organisms that extract their food, nutrition and shelter by living in or on another organism, causing damage and distraction to the host. More than 100 different types of parasites are known to use humans as their hosts. There are many species of parasites that show no