Maikong Professional iridología Fabricante y proveedor de Iriscope

iridología ojos amarillos

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Iridología Amarillo en el color de ojos: qué significa y cómo ayudan las herramientas MAIKONG

Iridología Amarillo en el color de ojos: qué significa y cómo ayudan las herramientas MAIKONG

What Does Yellow in Eye Color Indicate in Iridology Iridology Yellow in Eye Color? Iridology Yellow in Eye Color?In iridology, the appearance of yellow hues in the iris often signals potential health concerns related to toxin buildup or specific organ stress. Practitioners interpret these colors as indicators of liver, kidney, or lymphatic system imbalances. MAIKONG CO.LTD provide advanced iridology tools

¿Cuál es el anillo amarillo de iridología medio alrededor del alumno?

¿Cuál es el anillo amarillo de iridología medio alrededor del alumno?

What the mean iridology yellow ring around pupil? what and why is iridology Nerve Rings or iridology Stress Rings? Location: The ciliary zone; Appearance: It look like growth rings on a tree; Symptoms: The more of these rings a person has, the more nervous the person is. It tend to be perfectionists and are highly active and accomplishment-oriented. what and