Maikong Professional iridología Fabricante y proveedor de Iriscope

what is an iridology chart

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How to Use an Iridology Chart? Practical Guide by MAIKONG

How to Use an Iridology Chart? Practical Guide by MAIKONG

How to Use an Iridology Chart? An iridology chart is a visual tool used by iridologists to interpret health-related information through the iris, the coloured part of the eye. Each section of the iris correlates with specific organs, systems, and body areas, enabling practitioners to spot potential health imbalances. MAIKONG Co. Ltd., a global leader in health diagnostics, provides high-quality

¿Qué es PEY PT en la tabla de iridología de Jensen? Una guía detallada de MAIKONG

¿Qué es PEY PT en la tabla de iridología de Jensen? Una guía detallada de MAIKONG

¿Qué es PEY PT en la tabla de iridología de Jensen? Jensen Iridology Chart es una herramienta ampliamente utilizada en iridología, creada por el Dr. Bernard Jensen, una de las figuras más respetadas en este campo. Este cuadro está diseñado para ayudar a los iridólogos a identificar problemas de salud mediante un mapeo detallado del iris, que muestra varias "zonas" del ojo que corresponden a diferentes órganos. …

Camera Iridology

Camera Iridology

Camera Iridology What is Iris Iriscope Iridology Camera? The Iriscope is easy to operate. It is plugged directly into the computer and doesn’t require an electrical power supply. Light brightness and focus can be adjusted by using the switch on the handle.The iris scope uses its own software which can save client information and photos as well as product recommendations.

Best iridology camera

Best iridology camera

Best Iridology Cameras As an alternative medicine technique, iridology has become increasingly popular over the years. One of the most important tools used in this practice is the iridology camera, which is an essential device for practitioners who aim to provide the best possible assessment for their clients. In this article, we will discuss the working principle, advantages, and who