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Conclusion for iridology:
Iridology is an excellent example of pseudoscience in medicine, displaying many of the core features. It was invented by one individual based upon a single observation and emerging from a culture of quackery and pseudoscience. It follows a pre-scientific notion of biology – the homunculus model. It lacks any basis in anatomy, physiology, or any other basic science. Its practitioners are mostly “alternative” practitioners who use the technique as a cold reading. And the research clearly shows that iridology has absolutely no effect – it does not provide any useful information at all.
Anyone using or promoting iridology is, therefore, a pseudoscientific practitioner. Any profession that endorses iridology is not science-based and should be looked upon with suspicion.
What is Iridology?
Iridology, also known as iridodiagnosis, is an alternative medicine practice in which patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris are examined for information about a patient’s systemic health. Practitioners match their observations to iris charts which divide the iris into many zones believed to correspond to specific parts of the human body. Little, if any, rigorous scientific evidence exists confirming any such link between aspects of the iris and a patient’s state of health and there is no recognized causative mechanism for any purported correlation.Iridologists claim that they do not diagnose specific diseases, but rather that they “destacar” aquellos sistemas y órganos del cuerpo que están sanos y aquellos que se describen como “superactivo” o “enconado.” These are said to point to a tendency in the patient towards certain illnesses, to reflect past medical problems, or to predict health problems which may be developing.Since iridology is not a method of treatment, its practitioners have often studied other branches of alternative medicine, such as naturopathy, and used the study of the iris as a diagnostic first step. Iridology is practiced more widely in Europe (especially in the UK and Germany), where there are approximately 20,000 practitioners, than in the United States, which has only a tenth of that number.
¿Qué es la iridología?
Iridology es el estudio del color, las pigmentación y la estructura del iris o la porción coloreada del ojo, ya que se relacionan genéticamente a través de la respuesta refleja a las fortalezas y deficiencias de los sistemas corporales.
Iridology complementa todas las ciencias de la salud mientras proporciona información, no solo sobre lo que puede estar enfermo al cliente, sino también sobre la causa raíz del trastorno.
Además, muchos iridólogos observan el borde de la alumno, así como las marcas vasculares en la esclera para ayudarlos a comprender mejor más sobre la salud general de la persona.
Creemos que Iridology es una de las mejores herramientas de evaluación disponibles para descubrir qué áreas del cuerpo son genéticamente fuertes y cuáles son deficientes. Usando iridología, podemos analizar la constitución general de acuerdo con colores y marcas específicos del iris.
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