At NYCI Clinic and Training School we’re often asked about the termClinical Iridology” … What’s it mean?

While the European practice of Iridology tends to focus on genetic inheritance and predispositions seen in the irides, NYCI focuses on current health conditions seen there. That’s the short answer. To understand this better, you need to know the three strengths of iridology as a discovery tool (using that term to voluntarily and legally distance ourselves from the incorrect notion that Iridology diagnoses diseasesmore on this below).

The first strength is that marks or ocular biomarkers in the iris are found to show Genetic predispositions, i.e. do I inherit my family’s heart weakness? The eye is not a blank slate at birth. The iris displays marks in specific sectors which relate to the body organ or system represented by that precise spot in the iris. Second, trauma over the lifetime, i.e. an audit trail or log of injury serious enough to cause a reflex marking to be recorded in the area of the iris associated with a particular organ or system. This is similar to reflexology, which finds not marks, but sensitive areas in the foot which correspond to injury in a remote body organ or system. And third, Current conditions, i.e. exactly where your body is experiencing an inflammation or abnormal conditionsometimes even without acute awareness on your part.

Harvey Vedder

Clinical Iridology places primary emphasis on the thirdcurrent conditions. Other schools of Iridology focus primarily on the firstgenetic predispositions. At the NYCI Clinic, we find our clients are concerned with freeing themselves from current symptoms, although you won’t hear us use disease namesfor a good reason. While the medical world has a vast and growing vocabulary of symptom-groupings called ‘diseases,disease names are primarily a convenience enabling medical professionals to talk among themselves in abbreviated language:This patient shows indications of having ingested inordinate amounts of toxic arsenic,gets shortened toshe has hyperarsenemia.

The body expresses itself in simple languageindications like under-active, over-active, trauma, enervation (weakened vitality) or inflamed condition, without any Latin or Greek suffixes. Pain, discomfort, agony, expelled toxins (like rashes or pimples) and many others are all body indicators of an unnatural tissue condition (something your body feels keenly) in a particular organ, region or system. In the iris, these indicators are readily seen as colors, marks, or depressions visible in the iris segment that corresponds to a particular organ.

Thus a trained iridologist recognizes distinct ocular biomarkers as indications of abnormal tissue conditions in a particular region of the body, by non-invasively scanning your eye. Iridology’s three strengths conjoin to identify and distinguish genetic, trauma-caused, and currently active abnormal tissue conditions rather than diseases as such. Knowing what is troubling guides the body’s owner to do something about it. Two steps suggest themselves: verifying initial conditions areclear to go,and providing the body what it seeks to begin healing.

Given first, the proper initial conditions (a balanced biologic terrain) and second, healing substances demanded by damaged tissues, healing is accomplished by the body itself rather than thehealer,who merely makes the two requisites available. Like unerring instinct in an animal, the body possesses and uses self-diagnostics to heal itself.

Thus, Clinical Iridology’s ability to identify where and what is currently going on, directs an intelligent, motivated client to arm their body with the two things needed to turn on the body’s natural healing ability.

We think you will be very impressed at what Clinical Iridology can do for you.

What Reasons Why iridology nyc is a Good Idea 7