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What the mean iridology green eyes?

October 11, 2017

What the mean iridology green eyes?

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green and/or with a visible blue base. People with these eyes have a tendency towards sluggish liver and gall bladder conditions and have an emphasis on digestive weakness. They also have a tendency for diabetes.Deal with it.Green eyes, an iridologist would recognise that you actually have blue irises that are showing signs indicative of less than optimal health. Having said that, you should know that not every brown fleck in your iris has a meaning, so don’t rush to the mirror and start worrying about your health!

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Some people have noticed that their eye color changes. Green eyes do not really exist as the green appearance of the iris is usually due to discoloration or yellow patches in a blue or mixed color iris. The effect of which are shades of blue from the iris shown through yellow discoloration. Mixing blue and yellow produces green. Although every iris is different, we generalize them according to color with regard to health and disease probabilities. There are three different types of changes. Heterochromia means you have multicolored eyes. Hyperchromia means your eyes become darker/browner and hypochromia means your eyes become lighter/bluer. These three conditions are thought to mean one of two things: horrible illness, or nothing at all. Rapid depigmentation in the eyes might make a doctor wonder what else is falling apart in the body or what other shoe is about to drop; this is a rare reality. The truth is that the color of your eye is really one subject hugely understudied in the medical field, and there are many unknowns. On a novel note, medically speaking, green eyes are caused by yellowish flecks of fatty pigment against a dark background. So, basically, green eyed people have fat eyes. Very lovely exotic fat eyes, thank you very much, as this writer has green eyes.

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