MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope system Manufacturer and supplier
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  • CNRI.EDU Iridology Course Description & Objectives

    CNRI.EDU Iridology Course Description & Objectives This course will present a comprehensive overview of the Iridological sciences while exploring the continuum of research & development ranging from existing Iridodiagnostic principles to current theories and applications. Students will additionally explore the implications of utilizing Iridology as an adjunctive diagnostic modality in North America. This course will examine contemporary issues such as

  • Iridology Pioneers

    Iridology Pioneers Listed here are some remarkable pioneers who have made a great impact to the study & development of Iridology. Pastor Felke of Germany (1856 – 1926)Work published: “The Eye: Diagnosis Based Upon the Principles of Pastor Felke by E. Muller”. Henry Edward Lane, MD (Also known as Dr. H.E. Lahn) – Native of Austria although practiced in a

  • Adaptive Rings and Arcs of the Iris

    Adaptive Rings and Arcs of the Iris Adaptive rings and arcs are described as contraction and cardiac; nerve rings are arc-shaped or circular hollows in the iris stroma. In the overwhelming majority of cases, these rings and arcs are located in the ciliary belt and very rarely in the pupillary belt. They can be bright or dark, narrow or wide, …

  • Pupil Deformations

    Pupil Deformations Deformations of the pupil are primarily changes that are affecting the inner margin of the iris by paralysis or irritation of the nerves controlling the muscles of the iris. Total deformation, in that the natural form diverges toward an oval shape, is believed to suggest a disturbance with the central nerve association. Partial deformation, or sectoral flattening, is

  • The Collarette – “Autonomic Nerve Wreath”

    The Autonomic Nerve Wreath The collarette or “Autonomic Nerve Wreath” is one of the most important landmarks that an Iridologist will analyze. The collarette is exemplified as a vascular analog for the autonomic nervous system. This circular phenomena is described as a representative for the exchange of nutrients and toxic material between the intestinal tract and the humors of the

  • Iridology and Constitution

    Iridology and Constitution We perceive a constitutional iris by its defined shade of color to the degree of its primary shade that is characteristic for that specific constitutional type. Constitution is the whole of an individuals inherited and acquired characteristics. It represents the reactive capacity of an individual in establishing the capability for adaptation. Constitutions are genotypic and expose specific