MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope Manufacturer and supplier

iridology ڪئميرا

» iridology ڪئميرا

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iridology مشعل

iridology torch 3
The 10x iridology magnifier is our signature tried and tested model. Our 10x torches are used by iridologists and colleges world-wide. This is due to to the fact that with our 10x iris magnifiers you don’t have to stand near your patient to see a clear image of the iris or sclera.Iris Torch 10x LED magnifier with 37mm OPTICAL GLASS lens (not plastic) Daylight LED should last for 13 years without replacement, Powered by 3 AAA batteries (not included)

iridology torch
The 10x iridology magnifier is our signature tried and tested model. Our 10x torches are used by iridologists and colleges world-wide.
This is due to that with our 10x iris magnifiers you don’t have to stand near your patient to see a clear image of the iris or sclera. Not even mentioning that they are small portable and easy to use! Our 10x torches are used by iridologists and colleges world-wide.

ٽيڪنيڪل وضاحتون
iris جي مشاهدي لاء ڀرپور & سکليرا
ڪلائنٽ جي ويجهو بيهڻ جي ضرورت ناهي
10x Magnification
Lens: 38mm in diameter optical glass
ڊبل ڊي لائٽ ايل اي ڊي صاف ڏسڻ لاءِ
Dimentions: 132mm(L) x 45mm(W) x 26mm(H)
Powered by 3 x AAA batteries (not included)
Unit weighs 50 grams

Important notice: The cheaper alternative 5X magnifiers will show the whole eye, however it is very hard to see the iris markings. With our Iridology torch, you know it’s 10x magnification, Sometimes other iridology suppliers don’t list the magnification.

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مائڪنگ ايريڊولوجي ڪئميرا

MAIKONG IRIDOLOGY سافٽ ويئر تنصيب ۽ آپريشن


ڪمپني سرٽيفڪيٽ

اسان سان آن لائن رابطو ڪريو WhatsApp:

اسان هڪ معروف عالمي roidology ڪئميرا فيڪٽري فيڪٽري، مقابلي واري قيمتن ۽ بهترين معيار پيش ڪري رهيا آهيون. جيڪڏهن توهان وٽ غير ملڪي ڪئميرا بابت ڪي سوال آهن، مهرباني ڪري اسان سان رابطو ڪرڻ لاء آزاد ٿيو.

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جيڪڏهن جمع ڪرائڻ ناڪام آهي، مهرباني ڪري پنهنجو برائوزر پيج ۽ ٻيهر جمع ڪرايو.

ٿي سگهي ٿو توهان پڻ پسند ڪريو