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» خبرون » iridology



  • How does the iris illustrate the whole body?

    The iris illustrates the whole person, including the whole body and the whole mind. Individual traits are identified at two levels, static and dynamic. The static traits are the constitutional qualities as shown by the overall structure and color of the iris, and the dynamic traits are indicated by small changes in the iris during the person’s life. More advanced

  • What is Iridology?

    Iridology What is Iridology? Quite simply, Iridology involves the examination of the iris. Each iris is completely unique. It provides the genetic blueprint to the body. Through examination of the eye, the Iridologist is able to determine a person’s state of health and well being. The Iridologist uses a torch and a magnifier when carrying out the analysis. This non

  • can you tell me what is iridology ,iridologic?

    Iridology is the study and interpretation of patterns in the human iris as indicator of individual characteristics. Conventional Iridology seeks to identify both specific and general conditions of various organ systems in the body. A related field of inquiry, which studies the behavioral and personality interpretation from the iris is Rayid, a system of analysis whose methodology is distinct and

  • Iridology by author Terry Willard, ClH, PhD

    Iridology by author Terry Willard, ClH, PhD Do you see eye to eye with your doctor? If he or she practises iridology, you may. Practitioners of iridology may use it to assess the tissue strength of the various organs and systems in the body. It is both the science and the art of analyzing body conditions through an examination of

  • What is Iridology?

    That is an excellent question, Alistair. The iris analysis is based on scientific research that has been done for many years by professionals in Europe and The States. The iris is actually mapped as to what regions in the iris correspond with what organs in the body, but the key to understanding iridology is understanding the anatomy of the eye

  • Why is Iridology so misunderstood?

    NoteThere are 3 groups of people this article is directed to. First are critics who have no real understanding of Iridology, but have negative opinions. Second are Iridologists who have not been exposed to, or are resistant to updated practices in the field. Third are those who understand and practice modern Iridology, but don’t have a historical perspective