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  • bernard jensen iridology chart 9

    The Eye: The Blueprint to a Healthy Body The Eye The Eye: The Blueprint to a Healthy Body The Eye According to Iridology the iris of the eye is like a blueprint to the entire body. Iridologists believe that the eye is an intricate blueprint to a person’s inherent strengths and weaknesses. For those readers who are not aware of

  • iridology camera 11

    What is 12MP iridology camera software? What is 12MP iridology camera software? Specification: * Nice appearance and innovative design * LED illuminator around lens * Imported lens with plated layer * 12.00 Mega pixels high resolution CCD sensor * Special DSP image processor, Optical Image Stabilizer * Single capture button and digital pause capture. * Adjustable focus to give clear

  • iriscope for sale 3

    What is Iridology? What is Iridology? Iridology is the study of the color, pigmentations, and structure of the iris or colored portion of the eye as they relate genetically through reflex response to the strengths and deficiencies of the body systems. Iridology complements all the health sciences as it furnishes information, not only about what may be ailing the client,

  • iridology camera 3

    Iridology softare- Iridology Station 5.2 Iridology softare- Iridology Station 5.2 The Iridology Station 5.2 software is now available in Spanish!! Works well with our SD8004 Super Digital 18.1 MP Iridology Camera System, our eyePIX 10.0 mega pixel Handheld Iridology Cameras, and pretty much any iridology camera. Can be purchased as a stand-alone iridology software program to work with 35mm cameras

  • iriscopio 2

    Iridology softare- Iridology Station 5.2 Iridology softare- Iridology Station 5.2 The Iridology Station 5.2 software is now available in Spanish!! Works well with our SD8004 Super Digital 18.1 MP Iridology Camera System, our eyePIX 10.0 mega pixel Handheld Iridology Cameras, and pretty much any iridology camera. Can be purchased as a stand-alone iridology software program to work with 35mm cameras

  • iriscopio 6

    What is Comprehensive Iridology? What is Comprehensive Iridology? Comprehensive IridologyTM, was developed, and is accredited, by the International Iridology Practitioners Association. This is a combination of the American and European models of iridology, and it contains the latest up-to-date information on the theory and practice of iridology that is based on current extensive research. What is iridology? What is iridology?