ميڪونگ-پيشه ورانه اريالوجي ڪئميرا ارسڪوپ ٺاهيندڙ ۽ سپلائر

gonioscopy iris approach

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Iriscope Iridology Camera

ارسڪوپ آئيڊولوجي ڪئميرا؟ توهان جي گائيڊ کي ميڪونگ جي جديد ٽيڪنالاجي ڏانهن

What Is an Iriscope Iridology Camera? Iriscope iridology camera is a specialized device used to capture detailed images of the Iridology for health analysis. In iridology, the patterns and colors of the Iridology are studied to understand the body’s internal conditions and overall wellness. MAIKONG CO.LTD, we manufacture high-resolution iridology cameras designed for both professionals and personal users. Our iriscope