MAIKONG-پروفيشنل iridology ڪئميرا iriscope سسٽم ٺاهيندڙ ۽ فراهم ڪرڻ وارو

iridology ڪئميرا

» iridology ڪئميرا

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What is Benefits of iridology?

Although the practice of iridology is more common in Germany and the UK, it is gaining interest in North America as more individuals look for alternative health therapies to complement Western medicine. The iridologist’s goal is determine which systems in the patient’s body are weak and require appropriate treatment before a condition develops into something more serious.

According to Clark, in the hands of an experienced iridologist, clients can find out what predispositions they have to certain health issues and can then go about doing the right things, such as changing lifestyle factors, to stay as healthy as possible. For instance, blue-eyed people tend to have sinus issues, arthritis and skin problems. Following a healthy lifestyle goes a long way in keeping the body functioning optimally and maintaining a state of balance that allows the body to heal itself.

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What information does the iris reveal?

Interpretation of the individually unique color pigments and structural markers that are present within a person’s irises can provide valuable personalized information about their genetic predispositions towards pathological, structural, functional, and emotional disturbances within their body.

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We are used iridology camera ,iridology camera,iris camera supplier,if you need more info and price,please contact. we can oem for iriscope and iridology software for you.




مائڪنگ ايريڊولوجي ڪئميرا

MAIKONG IRIDOLOGY سافٽ ويئر تنصيب ۽ آپريشن


ڪمپني سرٽيفڪيٽ

اسان سان آن لائن رابطو ڪريو WhatsApp:

اسان هڪ معروف عالمي roidology ڪئميرا فيڪٽري فيڪٽري، مقابلي واري قيمتن ۽ بهترين معيار پيش ڪري رهيا آهيون. جيڪڏهن توهان وٽ غير ملڪي ڪئميرا بابت ڪي سوال آهن، مهرباني ڪري اسان سان رابطو ڪرڻ لاء آزاد ٿيو.

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