Maikong-Professional Iridology Camera Iriscope Výrobca a dodávateľ

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» To Been Our Distributors

Maikong iriscope iridology camera Distributor

FOR MAIKONG Distributor

We strongly support distributors around the world to distribute our products, and we also provide various brand customization services, from simply adding a logo, setting the inside the software, designing a distributor proprietary appearance so that it looks like a new product, and designing a brand new product by our engineers according to the distributor’s requirements and definition of the product. We also have the ability to customize the accessories with different specifications and standards proposed by the distributors in a very fast time.

Maikong has the latest iriscope,iridology camera, most innovative and user friendly software and is spreading rapidly around the world. We are looking for more professionals to join our team of distributors. If our distributors do well, we do well and our main focus is to assist you in spreading the wonder of this machine to countries and clinics all over the world.

Our goals are first to help people and second to help you prosper. Distributors are given the lowest price and the most support. All we need from you is commitment and work ethic. Please email us for more information about becoming a distributor.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a distributor for MAIKONG. In order for us to learn more about your company, please fill out the form below in its entirety.


Sme popredná globálna iridologická kamera Iriscope Factory, ktorá ponúka konkurencieschopné ceny a vynikajúcu kvalitu. Ak máte akékoľvek otázky týkajúce sa iridologickej kamery, neváhajte nás kontaktovať.

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