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how to read iridology eye chart

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How to Use an Iridology Chart? Practical Guide by MAIKONG

How to Use an Iridology Chart? Practical Guide by MAIKONG

How to Use an Iridology Chart? An iridology chart is a visual tool used by iridologists to interpret health-related information through the iris, the coloured part of the eye. Each section of the iris correlates with specific organs, systems, and body areas, enabling practitioners to spot potential health imbalances. MAIKONG Co. Ltd., a global leader in health diagnostics, provides high-quality

What Does It Mean If the Lungs Are Seen on Iridology?

What Does It Mean If the Lungs Are Seen on Iridology?

What Does It Mean If the Lungs Are Seen on Iridology? Iridology is a holistic health assessment technique that involves examining the iris to reveal potential imbalances within the body. While it is not a diagnostic tool, iridologists use various signs, colors, and patterns in the iris to gain insights into an individual’s overall health. When iridologists observe signs they