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history of iridology

history of iridology

What Is Iridology? Proponents of iridology claim that information about the patient’s overall health—including healthy or unhealthy organs, past andfuture health issues, and susceptibility to certain illnesses/diseases—can be gleaned from the study of the patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the patient’s iris.Flashlights, magnifying glasses, cameras, and slit-lamp microscopes are used to examine the patient’s irises. Iridologists look for tissue

Case Study Archive / Cholesterol Study -iridology

Case Study Archive / Cholesterol Study -iridology

She is right handed. She is 67 yrs old female. She has pain in her left groin in last 1-2 years. She will have a colonoscopy next month. She has panic attack. She has been using Cipram one a day for 4 years.Blood cholesterol level is high. Her uterus and ovaries was taken surgically in Jan 2004. She has a

Cholesterol Study -iridology

Cholesterol Study -iridology

Cholesterol Study -iridology

Pulmonary Studies -iridology

Pulmonary Studies -iridology

She is right handed female. DOB: June 25, 1951. She has no complaints at the moment. She has dry-eye syndrome. She has been using artificial tears. She has ocular hypertension and no medication for this.



Did one of your relatives have high blood pressure? How about alcoholism, mental illness or high cholesterol? Perhaps the very colour of your eyes could reveal if you are apt to go down that same road. Iridologists find that the markings and changing lines in a person’s iris can be traced to show an oncoming sickness or an inherited predisposition. …

Iridology is what?

Iridology is what?

Iridology Iridology is a quick, accurate, non-invasive system of health analysis through the examination of the coloured part of the eye known as the iris. Iridology is also the art and science of analyzing the colour and structure of the iris to gain valuable health information. The eyes, long considered to be the “mirrors of the souls”, are now acknowledged