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Iridology and Constitution

May 10, 2015

Iridology and Constitution

We perceive a constitutional iris by its defined shade of color to the degree of its primary shade that is characteristic for that specific constitutional type. Constitution is the whole of an individuals inherited and acquired characteristics. It represents the reactive capacity of an individual in establishing the capability for adaptation.

Constitutions are genotypic and expose specific kinds of pathological processes that may occur in an individual. There is no implication that a specific disease is inherited but only the individual factors that compose a predisposition are inherited.

Constitutional types are perpetually mixed and may be diverse. Subtypes are inborn and exclusively modified through life. Such modifications include certain environmental influences and external factors during the course of life acting on the person including their reactions to such conditions (career, stress, trauma, domestic, nutrition, etc).

The strength of an individual’s constitution is proportional to the integrity of the iris fibrous trabeculae network. Fibrous integrity is a measure of anatomic strength in an individual to counteract negative external influences. The greater density found in the iris shows a higher resistance the body has towards such external influences. A diathesis exposes a genetic pathological condition that is conditioned by the constitution representing a sensitivity and susceptibility to illness. A physiological disease marking represents a diathesis and is expressed by the phenomena of deposition.

The three main categories (Lymphatic, Haemotogenic and Biliary/Mixed) are furthermore divided into “sub-types” in order to include commonly observed variations in behavior. Please observe that certain pathological processes are not entirely limited to only one type of constitution and that any one type of constitution only demonstrates statistical and theoretical disadvantages toward particular disorders. Constitution gives us a picture of the overall strength in the body.

People with a strong constitution tend not to have as many illnesses, and when they do, they seem to recover quite quickly. These are the type of people that usually grow up abusing their health because they can get away with it without no ill consequences. They also tend to be less receptive to someone with a weaker constitution thus showing little consideration to their needs. It is good to note that someone with a very good constitution can only burn the candle for so long.

Those with a weaker constitution have a greater amount of inherent weaknesses in their body. They need to take extra care of their body more than someone with an inherited strong constitution to stay well. They are more sensitive to foods, environment, stress and tend to take longer to recover from illnesses that occur more frequently than someone with a strong constitution.


Iris Constitution according to Joseph Deck

(several sub-classifications of constitutions are not listed)

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