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iridology bernard jensen

September 30, 2017

Who bernard jensen?

bernard jensen

Bernard Jensen International is a global resource for professional Iridology, tissue cleansing, and digestive health books and products. For decades we have been the top choice of Naturopaths, Iridologists, Colon Therapists and other Holistic Health Professionals from around the world.

Bernard Jensen (March 25, 1908February 22, 2001) was a chiropractor, entrepreneur, and the author of numerous books and articles on health and healing.

Jorgen Bernard Jensen was born in Stockton, California to Eugene and Anna Jensen. In 1929, Jensen graduated from the West Coast Chiropractic College in Oakland, California. Jensen went on to study with Victor Rocine, a Norwegian Homeopath.

Although best known for his work in iridology, Jensen was a noted proponent of a variety of alternative care methods including nature cure, hydrotherapy (such as colon hydrotherapy), fasting, reflexology, color therapy, polarity, glandular balancing, homeopathy, herbology, acupuncture, craniopathy and personology.

He owned three sanitariums, the last being the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in Escondido, California. He said he saw more than 350,000 patients in this life. For many years Jensen maintained an office in Los Angeles where he would see patients. He also saw many patients at his office at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch. The original ranch was more than Template:Convert/LoffAoffDbSoffNa. When this was sold, he began seeing patients at his office above the original land site. For numbers of years he taught iridology workshops here at the site closer to his home.

Jensen authored more than 50 books and booklets, and some of his work appeared in VHS and DVD format that are still available.

iridology bernard jensen

Bernard Jensen International was founded by Dr. Bernard Jensen back in 1987 Dr. Jensen was a pioneer in holistic and alternative health having spent 60 years of his career successfully treating patients in his health sanitariums and health ranches. Additionally he was a thought leader in the science and application of Iridology; providing extensive training programs and certification in Iridology to doctors and practitioners worldwide. Dr. Jensen has published more than 50 books and received global awards of distinction and recognition for his field of work and service to the global community in Iridology and nutrition.

Art Jensen, the first born son of Dr. Bernard Jensen worked alongside his father for many years and took over the family business when Dr. Bernard Jensen passed away. Art Jensen now carries on the family spirit, passion and tradition of natural and holistic health as he owns and operates Bernard Jensen International as the President. Art is dedicated to preserving the writings and research of Dr. Bernard Jensen so this timeless information will continue to be available.

Ellen Tart Jensen, the wife of Art Jensen, studied for several years with the legendary natural healer Dr. Bernard Jensen and became his Protégé learning all he had to teach in the field of Iridology, nutrition, cleansing, supplements and numerous other healing methods. All together Ellen has studied and worked in the field of Iridology and natural healing for 30 years. She now is an internationally recognized authority in Iridology, Nutrition, and Cleansing. Her books and educational courses in nutrition, cleansing and Iridology are used by natural healing schools and students around the world and is well noted for her work in the integrated form of Jensen Iridology.

Both Art Jensen and Ellen Tart Jensen passionately continue Dr. Bernard Jensen’s teachings and with Dr. Ellen Tart Jensen’s ongoing education she has evolved Iridology and nutrition to the next level.

4 Iridology charts from bernard jensen Iridology chart

iridology chart





bernard jensen Iridology Book

iridology bernard jensen 2 iridology bernard jensen book



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