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iridology practitioners

October 25, 2017

How to iridology practitioners?

international iridology practitioners association 1

You can learning in IPPA to be Practitioners.

What is IIPA?-The International Iridology Practitioners Association is a registered, non-profit organization, founded in 1982. It is governed by IIPA members who volunteer and make up the voting Board of Directors. Their role is to disseminate materials and help set the professional standards present today in the field of Iridology. For decades, medical practitioners considered different facets of natural medicine, including Iridology, to be inappropriate approaches to natural health and healing. We at IIPA have the valiant efforts of Dr. Bernard Jensen, as well as other iconic pioneers, to thank for saving Iridology from extinction. This organization was originally called the National Iridology Research Association (NIRA), but the name was changed in 2000 to better reflect our international reach. In 1993, the organization attained its non-profit tax-exempt status.

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Why an IIPA Certified Iridologist or why become Certified by IIPA?-IIPA is an organization that has developed official standards of practice designed specifically for the field of Iridology. IIPA Certification Courses incorporate the highest standards in Iridology based on research and clinical studies from around the world. As a Certified Iridologist, you are held to a high ethical moral as it relates to this healing art. Each modality should have a uniformed governing body, and Iridology does. Because we are an international organization, we have the ability to streamline important pieces such as dialogue and vocabulary, and keep them uniform regardless of language differences. Certification from IIPA identifies you as having attained a standardized level of education excellence. This status inevitably sets you apart, as clients would feel confident selecting you, knowing you have undergone some intense training and a high quality education.

How to Become an IIPA Certified Iridologist?An Understanding of Comprehensive Iridology Standards and ConceptsIt is highly recommended that a Candidate​/​Student​​ for certification completes the Comprehensive® Iridology Classes (Level I and Level II) through an IIPA Certified Instructor or through an IIPA accredited teaching Institution, however it is not required for certification. What is required is that candidates have a thorough understanding of the standards presented in these classes.

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Comprehensive® Iridology ClassLEVEL IThis class covers the history and development of Iridology and discussion of models (European Iridology, American Iridology, Comprehensive Iridology, psychological patterns, iris photography, etc.) This also includes eye anatomy and physiology, topography and mapping of the iris, constitutional types and subtypes, iris structure and signs, pigmentation, pupil tonus, etc. It would be helpful to have some anatomy and physiology background before taking this course. Refer to our website for recommended readings and approved programs. Minimum of 14 hours with an IIPA Certified Instructor.

Comprehensive® Iridology ClassLEVEL IIThis class places emphasis on case studies, combinations of signs, structure and pigment details, exceptions to rules, specific constitutions and syndromes, further psychological pattern information and research issues, etc. Minimum of 21 hours with an IIPA Certified Instructor.

What are the Certification Requirements?Proof of Anatomy and Physiology KnowledgeAn Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) course is required for certification. Certification Examination can take place before the A&P course is completed. The certification candidate/student​ must submit a transcript of a completed course, a copy of a diploma or of an acceptable accredited degree, or a copy of an appropriate professional license before receiving the IIPA Certification Certificate. See acceptable courses on website.

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T​he Submission of Ten Iris EvaluationsYou will be provided with Iris Evaluation forms to use to evaluate ten (10) different people and analyze their iris patterns. Your completed evaluations will be submitted to an Instructor for review. Your results will be returned with corrections and comments. Note​,​ that candidates/student​​s who received their Iridology training through an IIPA accredited teaching Institution are not required to perform the ten iris evaluations. Also, if you are taking a class through an IIPA Certified Comprehensive Iridology Instructor, you may, at the discretion of the Instructor, complete these evaluations during class.

Case Study AnalysisFor your Case Study you will receive instructions, a history and eye photos to analyze. Your completed analysis should be returned to your Instructor. Results will be returned to you with corrections and comments. Note that candidates who received their Iridology training through an IIPA accredited teaching Institution are not required to perform a Case Study Analysis.

Written ExaminationThis written Examination must be proctored by a designated IIPA Instructor, librarian, or notary. Obtain Proctor Information form from your Instructor. You are responsible for locating a Proctor. If your test grade is satisfactory, 80% or more, and all other requirements are completed (i.e. Anatomy & Physiology, 10 Iris Evaluations, Case Study, current membership), you will be sent an IIPA Certified Iridologist Certificate. If for some reason you do not pass the Examination, contact your Instructor for retake information.

international iridology practitioners association study


IIPA certificate?


international iridology practitioners association IPPA Iridology-Certification-IIPA international iridology practitioners association iipa

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