Maikong-professionelle Iridologiekamera-Iriscope Hersteller und Lieferant


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2024-10-23 FROM Costa Rica Seba About Iridology Software question

October 23, 2024

Seba Q:Hello there! My name is Seba, i’m from costa rica, me and My mom bought a maikong CV Avance analysys sistem but there is an issue using the software, once i got the photos and try to analyze them either manual mode or auto is crashing the program, i tried looking for an update of the software hoping it would help but said i neesed to get in touch with u guys, any info u need from me just ask, thanks

Mark A: Hi, may I ask where you purchased it? Can you take a picture of the product and the software error to show me? Hi, where did you purchase it? Can you take a picture of the product and the software error to show me?
Seba Q:Yeah sure, tomorrow i’ll send You the footage,It happends everytime i try to analyze in manual or auto mode,Before i was able to get into those screens but now it always crashes

Mark A:Is the usb key connect your pc?we i can send you new version to you,you can install on another pc for test,you need the spanish version?maikong iridology software (english and spanish version),you can download and install it on another pc for test

Costa Rica Seba About Iridology Software question01 Costa Rica Seba About Iridology Software question02






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