Maikong-professionelle Iridologiekamera-Iriscope Hersteller und Lieferant


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  • 2025-1-12 USA Shadia benötigt Maikong 5mp Iriscope Iridologie-Software-Passwort

    USA Shadia Q:Hello,I have an Iridology camera and program with you. The program is working as well as the camera but I don’t know what my password is to log in. Any help would be great MAIKONG MARK A:can you send me your machine picture USA Shadia Q:Sure MAIKONG MARK A:Login name: user password: 111111 please try USA Shadia Q:Yes!!!

  • 14.12.2024 ITALIEN iriwindce Sie benötigen einen Download der IRIDOLOGY-SOFTWARE ITALIEN für EH-900U

    ITALY iriwindce Q:dear Lucy I have not receive the prime. Please send me iridology software of italian version. bye bye from Italy Iriwind MAIKONG MARK A:Hello,Off duty now.tomorrow is ok?Tomorrow send it to you ITALY iriwindce Q:ok thank,send me the price of device MAIKONG MARK A:where you from?quantum analyzer price? ITALY iriwindce Q:iriscope MAIKONG MARK A:5MP iriscope price 250 usd

  • Wie verwende ich die USB-Iridologiekamera? Ein Leitfaden von MAIKONG CO.LTD

    Why Choose a USB Iridology Camera? MAIKONG USB iridology camera is an essential tool for practitioners and enthusiasts alike, offering precise imaging of the iris for health analysis. These cameras capture high-resolution photos that, when paired with iridology software, provide valuable insights into overall health and organ function. MAIKONG CO.LTD’s USB iridology cameras are designed to simplify this process with

  • Wie liest man die Iridologie der Augen?

    What Is Eye Reading in Iridology? How to read eyes iridology?Iridology is an alternative practice that interprets patterns and colors in the iris to assess various health conditions. Each section of the iris is believed to correspond to different organs and systems of the body. By learning to “read” the eye, iridologists aim to identify areas of potential imbalance or

  • Was ist PEY PT im Jensen Iridology Chart? Ein ausführlicher Leitfaden von MAIKONG

    Was ist PEY PT im Jensen Iridology Chart? Das Jensen Iridology Chart ist ein weit verbreitetes Werkzeug in der Iridologie und wurde von Dr. Bernard Jensen, einem der angesehensten Persönlichkeiten auf diesem Gebiet, entwickelt. Diese Tabelle soll Iridologen dabei helfen, Gesundheitsprobleme zu erkennen, indem sie die Iris detailliert kartiert und verschiedene „Zonen“ des Auges zeigt, die verschiedenen Organen entsprechen …

  • Was ist Iridology Digital? Ein umfassender Leitfaden zu den Gesundheitsgeräten von MAIKONG

    What is Iridology Digital? Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye to gain insights into a person’s overall health. By examining the patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris, health practitioners can identify potential health issues, imbalances, or genetic predispositions. Iridology digital refers to the modern, technologically advanced methods of performing iridology using digital equipment such