Maikong-professionelle Iridologiekamera-Iriscope Hersteller und Lieferant


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  • iridology what does a black ring around the iris mean

    Iridology is a system of alternative medicine that involves examining the iris, the colored part of the eye, for signs of health or illness. According to iridologists, different areas and patterns in the iris can indicate different things about a person’s health. A black ring around the iris could potentially be interpreted as a sign of toxicity or congestion in

  • Software Para Iriscopio

    Como funciona o software para iriscopio? 1. instalar o software. Ligue a chave USB cor-de-laranja ao seu PC. 3Open desktop “Englische Version des CadiCV Advance Analysis System”. 1) Seleccione “Benutzer”, password: 111111, depois clique em: “Login”. 2) Clique emFerramentas do Clientee introduza os dados do seu cliente. Se puder, clique emAdicionare depois clique emFechar. 3)

  • the science and practice of iridology by bernard jensen

    The science and practice of iridology by bernard jensen One of the greatest healers in the world. Dr. Jensen has been a pioneer in the field of holistic health for over 60 years, paving the way for the alternative health revolution we are now experiencing. Dr. Jensen began his career at the West Coast College of Chiropractic, and Bernard became

  • Iridologie laufen

    How does Rayid differ from the physical view of the iris? Iridology is the study of the iris or colored part of the eye and is used as a diagnostic tool by trained healthcare professionals. Through the various markings, signs and discoloration on the iris, nature reveals the genetic weaknesses and strengths, personality traits, patterns, behavioral traits, attitudes, challenges and

  • Iridologie-Diagramme kostenlos herunterladen 15 Stück

    Iridologie-Diagramme kostenlos herunterladen. Sie können auf die Bilder klicken, um die großen Iridologie-Diagramme zu erhalten. Iridologie-Diagramme kostenlos herunterladen

  • how to read iridology eye charts

    Was ist Iridologie? “Die Iris, die Lederhaut und die Pupille des Auges zeigen den Schleier, den die Seele durch Bewusstsein (oder Vergessen) geschaffen hat und der die Illusion widerspiegelt, die die Seele darauf vorbereitet, die Realität der vollständigen Erleuchtung zu erreichen.” ~David J. Pesek, Ph.D., September 1988 Augen werden seit langem als „Augen“ bezeichnet “Windows of the Soul.But few people are aware