What is portable iriscope?
Please feel free to look at this website for our portable iriscope, Iridology camera, iris camera, eyology and sclerology USB system ccarry case T
The EyeRonec Pebble Pro Iridology camera has been created for the NON TECHNICAL Naturopath and Natural Therapist, Iridologist and Herbalist.
The EyeRonec Pebble Pro Digital Iriscope takes only a little space on the desk and is very portable, Once your MAC or PC has the software installed all you need to do is plug the camera into the USB.
The EyeRonec Iridology iris camera needs No chin-rest, No dreaded flash, No ambient light problems, No heavy cases to carry,
The EyeRonec Pebble Prp sells for less then the price of other’s “camera only” Preis.
The latest EyeRonec model Iriscameras have 8 light (for blue eyes) and 2+ side lighting LED’s for brown eyes.
The lights (white dots) are within the pupil zone ! No artifacts (white dots or streaks) in the iris so pictures are better than images taken with”open” system cameras
portable iriscope software what can do?
1)add comstomer info to software.
2)Edit or Delete comstomer info.
3)Take the iridology eye images to software.
4)Analysis the eye iridology images.
5)Pint the iridology analysis reports.
6)Comparing Before and after iridology eye images.
7)Comparing iridology analysis reports.

Iridology Software and portable iriscope Supplies
Specialists in Iridology, iridology software, digital and optical portable iriscopes, and iris diagnosis.
Iris Supplies was formed by Samuel R. Kennedy in 1998 and has become the new supplier in Iridology, iridology software, digital and optical portable iriscopes, and health products around the world.
Since establishing themselves three years ago Iris Supplies have produced a number of quality iridology software products. This has included Iridology99 Scanning, the world’s first iris scanning iridology software, and now the next version, Iridology2000 Scanning (also available in Spanish). Iridology99 Nutri-Base and now Iridology2000 Nutri-Base, is another program that has been developed holding a large database of nutritional, food and herbal health tips.
Iris Supplies is also heavily involved in the development of new products. Behind this has been Samuel R. Kennedy an Iridologist, Naturopath, Acupuncturist and Homeopath, who runs a busy clinic in Mt Martha, Victoria. It’s his everyday experiences in the office with his patients that have helped him to gain a deep understanding of the practitioners needs to design and develop products for practitioners like himself. With the backup of dedicated staff of skilled employees, Iris Supplies has developed, and continues to develop the latest technology in iridology software and hardware.
Iris Supplies have also developed their equipment including in their range, the Stereo Digital portable iriscopes and the Zoom Digital portable iriscopes. The first portable iriscopes produced to take digital imaging through the portable iriscope. With this new development Iris Supplies has created the Stereo Tri-portable iriscope, the first Tri-portable iriscope, featuring both 35mm photography and digital imaging in one unit.
In 1999 Iris Supplies worked with Dr. David J. Pesek, world-renowned Iridologist to produce his own software, Iridology99 Interpretive Software and Reporting System (2000 version now available), and built to his specifications the new Pesek Tri-portable iriscope. They also worked with Milo Milosevic to produce his own software, Constitutional Iridology.
Iris Supplies is currently working with other companies, nationally and internationally, developing new products. They are presently a consultant for Expanded Enterprises, the original developers of the Jensen camera system and are working with them in the research and development of new technology in iridology products.
As a company Iris Supplies aim to supply you with high quality products at a competitive price and the latest development in technology. We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and want to be recognized as a company who shares a good relationship with all our clients by meeting your individual needs and providing the appropriate backup service you deserve.
Birgit Lüders