MAIKONG-Professionelles Iridologie-Kamera-Iriscope-System Hersteller und Lieferant


» Iridologie-Kamera

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Iridology Camera for Sale

Iridology camera for sale Iridology camera for sale Iridology camera for sale

Iridology is a method of diagnosing health problems by examining the iris of the human eye. An iridology camera is a powerful tool that enables practitioners to take high-definition images of the iris to identify any irregularities.

Working Principle

Iridology cameras use special lighting and high-resolution sensors to capture detailed images of the iris. The camera’s software then analyzes the patterns and structures of the iris to detect any issues that may be present in the body.

Benefits of Using an Iridology Camera

1. Non-Invasive – Unlike other diagnostic methods, iridology is a non-invasive tool that does not require any blood tests or invasive procedures.

2. Early Detection – Iridology can detect health issues before they become severe, allowing practitioners to take preventative measures.

3. Holistic Diagnosis – Iridology takes into account the whole person, not just their symptoms, providing practitioners with a complete picture of their patient’s health.

4. Safe for All Ages – Iridology can be used on people of all ages, including infants and senior citizens.

Iridology camera for sale

Who Needs an Iridology Camera?

1. Naturopathic Doctors – Iridology is an essential tool for naturopathic doctors who practice holistic medicine.

2. Ophthalmologists – Iridology is an aid in the diagnosis of certain eye diseases and can help ophthalmologists detect early signs of eye disorders.

3. Nutritionists – Iridology can be used by nutritionists to develop personalized diet plans based on a patient’s unique needs.


Maikong 12MP iridology camera software use video for apple mac os


Applications of Iridology Camera

1. Nutrition and Diet Planning – Iridology can help nutritionists develop customized diet plans for their patients based on their unique health needs.

2. Holistic Medicine – Iridology is a vital tool in the practice of holistic medicine, which considers the health of the whole person, not just their symptoms.

3. Eye Care – Iridology can aid in the diagnosis of certain eye conditions and can help eye doctors detect early signs of eye diseases.

4. Preventative Medicine – Iridology can detect health issues before they become severe, allowing practitioners to take preventative measures.

5. Health and Wellness Coaching – Iridology can be used by health and wellness coaches to develop personalized plans for their clients based on their unique health needs.

Iridology camera for sale Iridology camera for sale

Contact us

In conclusion, an iridology camera is an essential tool for any practitioner in the health and wellness industry. It provides a safe, non-invasive way to detect health issues before they become severe, and it helps practitioners develop personalized plans for their patients. So, invest in an iridology camera today and take your practice to the next level.


Iridology camera for sale Iridology camera for sale


HerkunftsortGuangdong, China
Garantie1 Jahr
KundendienstTechnischer Video-Support
TypIridologie-Kamera, Iriskop
BesonderheitPigmentierungsanalyse, Hautfaltenanalyse, Hautfeuchtigkeit erkennen
AnwendungFür den Heimgebrauch
Pixel12 MP
SpracheEnglisch / Spanisch
SystemWindows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple MAC OS
CCD-Sensorauflösung5,0 MP
Vorlaufzeit5–7 Tage (je nach Menge)
Lieferfähigkeit10000 Stück/Stücke pro Monat
Einzelnes Bruttogewicht2.500 kg

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