Maikong-professionelle Iridologiekamera-Iriscope Hersteller und Lieferant


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  • iridology camera 10

    iridology camera ebay iridology camera ebay Please feel free to look at this website for our USB Digital Iriscope, Iridology camera, iris camera, eyology and sclerology USB system ccarry case To see our later website click the above button. The EyeRonec Pebble Pro Iridology camera has been created for the NON TECHNICAL Naturopath and Natural Therapist, Iridologist and Herbalist. The

  • iridology camera 7

    How To Take Your Iris Photos by iridologia iriscopio How To Take Your Iris Photos by iridologia iriscopio To take the best photos for your reading, set your camera to MACRO and try, if possible, to use natural, daytime indoor light with a flash. Set the size of the photo for a higher resolution, with a minimum of 2.5M (2208

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    Was ist Iridologie? “Die Iris, die Lederhaut und die Pupille des Auges zeigen den Schleier, den die Seele durch Bewusstsein (oder Vergessen) geschaffen hat und der die Illusion widerspiegelt, die die Seele darauf vorbereitet, die Realität der vollständigen Erleuchtung zu erreichen.” ~David J. Pesek, Ph.D., September 1988 Augen werden seit langem als „Augen“ bezeichnet “Windows of the Soul.But few people are aware

  • iridology camera 5

    Iridology, is it nonsense? Iridology, is it nonsense? Some opponents of iridology have stated that Iridology is “non-sense” but is this really the case? First of all let’s look at the facts, most of these critics have absolutely no education or formal training in the science of Iridology yet they have a negative opinion. They cite several poorly designed Iridology

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    SD8004 Super Digital iridology camera ebay SD8004 Super Digital iridology camera ebay Joyful Living Services, in partnership with Iris Imaging, is excited to announce that we now offer an 24.2MP Digital Iridology and Sclerology Camera System that has the capability of extremely high resolution and uncompromising quality at affordable prices. Our Iridology and Sclerology System is based on the 24.2MP

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    Iridology, is it nonsense? Iridology, is it nonsense? Some opponents of iridology have stated that Iridology is “non-sense” but is this really the case? First of all let’s look at the facts, most of these critics have absolutely no education or formal training in the science of Iridology yet they have a negative opinion. They cite several poorly designed Iridology