Die 10 besten Iridologie-Sehtafeln für Iridologie-Sehtafeln

Right iridology eye chart

Left iridology eye chart

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Iridology Link Eye Diagramm
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Iridologie-Diagramm für das linke Auge
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Was ist Iridologie?
Iridology-Natural Therapy which Studies the Iris to Reflect Human Health and Susceptibility to Disease. Color Eye Charts, Map, History
The study of Iridology asserts that through studying markings in the iris one can learn about the inner workings of the body.
The word “iris” is Greek and means “rainbow” oder “halo.” The iris is the colorful portion of the eye that surrounds the pupil.
Every fiber, color, pattern, and defect in the iris is believed to have a reflex correlation with a disease manifestation or organ system malfunction. By studying the eye, Iridologists can reveal a patient’s overall state of health, as well as their tendencies toward inherited disease and possible future problems.
The left eye is believed to correspond with the left side of the body and the right eye with the right side of the body. In general, the higher organs (brain, thyroid) are at the top of the iris and the lower organs (kidneys) are at the bottom.
Iridology is used as more of a diagnostic tool than a treatment. It is not a medical exam or a definitive diagnosis of disease. Rather, it proposes to recognize:
* Toxins and their locations
* Stages of Inflammation
* Inherent Weakness or Strength
* General Health level
* Biochemical Deficiencies
In reading the iris to gain insight to the body there are several characteristics that are studied. These include, but are not limited to layers, colors, rings and spots.
A primary theory of Iridology is that the iris is constructed in layers that represent the four stages of tissue activity.
* Acute changes
* Sub-acute changes
* Chronic changes
* Degenerative changes
There are 3 main physical eye types:
● Blue-Eyed Type (Lymphatic): At increased risk for problems with the upper respiratory tract, digestive tract, urogenital tract, lymphatic tissues, joints, kidneys and adrenal gland imbalances.
● Mixed-Eye Type (Biliary): This type has discolorations (usually light brown) on top of a blue background. They are at increased risk for liver related problems, digestive tract problems and allergies.
● Brown-Eyed Type (Hematogenic): This type is predisposed to blood disorders and imbalances of minerals, especially calcium. This type should pay attention to the circulatory system, liver, spleen, bone marrow, digestive system and endocrine glands.
Colors over certain areas on the iris correspond to the area of the body as indicated by the maps. You can then decide what types of changes are occurring.
* White indicates an area of the body working hard to “maintain.”
* Yellow-white indicates an area of the body losing a battle.
* Yellow indicates poor kidney function; yellow sclera (white part of the eye) suggest gallbladder disease.
* Orange indicates problems metabolizing carbohydrates and weakness in the liver and/or pancreas. Glucose levels should be checked.
* Red-brown indicates deterioration.
* Brown indicates poor liver function and “dirty blood.”
* Black indicates dying tissue.

Iridologiekamera zum Verkauf

Iris -Diagramm
There are numerous rings seen in the iris. Here are a few of the main ones.
* Scurf Rand oder Ring of Purpose ist ein dunkles Band um die Iris, was darauf hinweist, dass die Haut nicht richtig funktioniert. Diese Menschen schwitzen nicht leicht (mangelnde Entgiftung), haben eine erhöhte Schleimhautproduktion und Nierenstress. Sie sind “dickhäutig” emotional.
* Stressringe oder Freiheitsringe sehen auf einem Baum wie Wachstumsringe aus. Sie weisen auf neuromuskuläre Spannungen und Stress hin. Diese Menschen sind in der Regel Perfektionisten und sind hochaktiv und vollbrachtorientiert.
* Der Lipidring oder Ring der Entschlossenheit ist ein schwerer weißer Ring, der den äußeren Rand der Iris teilweise oder vollständig bedeckt. Dieser Ring kommt vor allem bei älteren Menschen vor und weist auf Arteriosklerose und andere Herz-Kreislauf-Probleme hin. Es kann auch auf Probleme mit der Leber und der Schilddrüse sowie auf ein erhöhtes Risiko für die Parkinson-Krankheit hinweisen. Diese Menschen neigen dazu, stur zu sein.
* Der lymphatische Rosenkranz oder Ring der Harmonie sieht aus wie ein winziger Wolkenring um die äußere Iris. Diese Menschen haben einen Lymphstau und geschwollene Lymphknoten. Möglicherweise bekommt die Person mit diesem Ring nicht genug Bewegung für die einzelnen Körperteile, die unter dem Ring liegen. Diese Menschen verinnerlichen andere’ Sie haben Probleme, alles harmonisch erscheinen zu lassen, da sie Konflikte und Spannungen in ihrer Umgebung nicht mögen.
Spots may “move” across the iris and are believed to indicate deficiencies or a “blocking” of awareness about a particular organ or system.
by Lisa Niebergall, MD
Irid (Iris) + Ology (Study) = Study of the Iris
Iridology is the science and study of pathological and functional disturbances in the human body as indicated by abnormal markings and color changes in the iris of the eye, while revealing inflammation, where it is located and in what stage it is manifesting. The iris reveals bodily conditions as it relates to inherent weaknesses, levels of health, and the transition that takes place in a person’s body when they choose to purify the way they, think, live and eat.
History of Iridology
The idea of the irises as indicators of potential illness isn’t a fad born of the New Age movement. Iridology’s roots date back more than 2,000 years. But the practice went through its own Dark Age, and much of its wisdom was lost amidst historic turmoil. Modern Iridology has its origins in 19th century Europe and an 11-year-old boy.
As a child, the Hungarian physician Ignatz von Peczley wrestled with an owl in his backyard and accidently broke the bird’s leg. He noticed that the iris of the owl’s eye had developed a dark stripe where there was none before. Intrigued, he wondered if this phenomenon would happen in people too. While he was working in a hospital, Dr. von Peczley observed the same occurrence in his patients and began to make detailed drawings of their eyes- the basis for many of todays iris charts.
While von Peczley is considered the father of Iridology, Dr. Jensen is credited with keeping the practice alive in America. He launched his career as a chiropractor in 1929 and later became one of the country’s leading nutritionists. A devout advocate of studying the iris, he developed a comprehensive eye chart that was the prominent one for decades. He kept the Iridology message alive when allopathic medicine was pushing holistic therapies aside.
Can Iridology Detect Susceptibility to Cancer?
Objective: This prospective case-control study aimed to investigate the value of iridology as a diagnostic tool in detecting some common cancers.
Subjects: One hundred ten (110) subjects were enrolled in the study: 68 subjects had histologically proven cancers of the breast, ovary, uterus, prostate, or colorectum, and 42 were control subjects.
Methods: All subjects were examined by an experienced practitioner of iridology, who was unaware of their gender or medical details. He was allowed to suggest up to five diagnoses for each subject and his results were then compared with each subject’s medical diagnosis to determine the accuracy of iridology in detecting malignancy.
Results: Iridology identified the correct diagnosis in only 3 cases (sensitivity, 0.04).
Conclusion: Iridology was of no value in diagnosing the cancers investigated in this study.
Karsten Münstedt, Samer El-Safadi, Friedel Brück, Marek Zygmunt, Andreas Hackethal, Hans-Rudolf Tinneberg. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.
An evaluation of iridology
A. Simon, D. M. Worthen and J. A. Mitas 2nd
Iridology is an analysis of health based on examination of the iris of the eye. One hundred forty-three patients had photographs taken of both eyes. Nine-five patients were free of kidney disease, defined as a creatinine level of less than 1.2 mg/dL (mean, 0.8 mg/dL), and 48 had kidney disease severe enough to raise the plasma creatinine level to 1.5 mg/dL or greater (mean, 6.5 mg/dL). Three ophthalmologists and three iridologists viewed the slides in a randomized sequence without knowledge of the number of patients in the two categories or any information about patient history. Iridology had no clinical or statistically significant ability to detect the presence of kidney disease. Iridology was neither selective nor specific, and the likelihood of correct detection was statistically no better than chance.



How iridología El aspecto teórico
Cuando estudiamos la iridología nos damos cuenta que es una ciencia de simbolismos que se reflejan en las fibras del iris. Cuando hay un estado de alteración en cualquier órgano del cuerpo, esto inmediatamente se manifiesta en el iris, expresándose en ciertas formas. Naturalmente no es que veamos el órgano dañado, pero un área del iris sufre una alteración que corresponde a la zona del cuerpo donde se localiza dicho órgano.
La fiebre es un estado reflejo, es la reacción del cuerpo que indica que algo interno está mal, una posible infección en algún órgano, El eczema o cualquier erupción en la piel, también son síntomas en algún estado anormal en el cuerpo.
Las manchas hepáticas aparecen por estados de desajustes internos. Todo dolor que acusa un mal funcionamiento, es un símbolo de desarrollo interno. Puede ocurrir que un dolor en el talón acuse un desarrollo ovárico en la mujer, el doctor no se dedica a salvar el talón sino investigar el estado de los ovarios, se ha dicho que el ojo es el espejo del alma porque revela los diferentes estados mentales y que también acusa los estados físicos del cuerpo.
También el delirio febril se advierte por una contracción de la pupila a intervalos regulares, también se habla del ojo quebrado del moribundo, como quien dice la dilatación de la pupila nos indica un estado anormal en el cuerpo. En los tuberculosos se encuentra una pequeña simetría en las pupilas con tendencia a la dilatación.
Cuando las pestañas crecen hacia dentro, esto manifiesta que hay escrófula, y los ojos que siempre están enrojecidos indica que hay un estado enfermizo en los órganos femeninos.
Un análisis del iris puede determinar el estado del hígado por las marcas que se encuentran en las correspondientes fibras del iris, pero que no se olvide que no estamos viendo el hígado sino simplemente un determinado que se indica en el área del iris, los pensamientos y las emociones influyen en el cuerpo y sus efectos también pueden reflejarse en el iris.
Por medio del iris se puede diagnosticar el grado de inflamación ya sea éste agudo, crónico o de una avanzada destrucción por las tonalidades del ojo, las cuales varían desde un blanco brillante al gris claro u oscuro hasta el negro.
Ninguna otra ciencia puede indicar con tanta exactitud el progreso de una enfermedad, desde la fase aguda hasta la crónica.
También una mala nutrición afecta al iris, y esto se demuestra como antes habíamos dicho con manchas en los ojos y a la mitad de la capacidad muscular.
Una razón por la que algunas personas desaprueban y menosprecian este método de diagnostico es por que no le han dedicado tiempo suficiente o un esfuerzo para conocerlo. Con toda seguridad, esta forma de diagnosticar las enfermedades que proviene de fechas muy remotas y que sigue empleada por naturistas tiene mucho valor.
La iridiologia no necesita métodos psicológicos para ser comprendida. En muchas ocasiones los estados que revela el iris hoy, no serán evidentes dentro de algunos años pero el tiempo invariablemente comprueba la veracidad de los signos que ya están presentes en el iris.
La iridiología sirve para analizar al paciente para un diagnostico secundario para poder acercarse a un extraordinario estudio del paciente.
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