Maikong Professional iridología Fabricante y proveedor de Iriscope

¿Qué es la Iridología?

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does iridology work for fake?

does iridology work for fake?

Does iridology work for fake? What is iridology? According to a theory, the iris is a display area of all the nerve fibers terminating in the brain. Hence, the iris is able to sashay any sort of change that takes place in the body, and this is detectable due to the discoloration of the iris. When the iris is examined

prueba de iridología

prueba de iridología

What is iridology? During an iridology assessment, the practitioner will examine the fibres within your iris. Iridologists use equipment such as a penlight and magnifying glass, SLR cameras or microscopes to examine the patient’s irises for tissue changes, as well as features such as specific pigment patterns and irregular stromal architecture. The markings and patterns are compared to an iris chart.

study of the eyes iridology

study of the eyes iridology

What is iridology? Iridology also commonly referred to as Iridology analysis, also mistakenly referred to as, Iris diagnosis, or Iridology diagnosis, is the study of the iris of the human eye. A more formal description as stated by World renowned American Iridologist, Ellen Tart-Jensen is, “Iridology is the study of the color, pigmentations, and structure of the iris or colored

what is iridology and how does it work

what is iridology and how does it work

what is iridology? Like reflexology, iridology is based on the principle that the iris, the colored part of the eye, reflects a microcosm of the body. There are no two irises exactly alike; every iris is as unique as a fingerprint. Reading the color and pattern of the iris fibers gives insights into underlying inherent weaknesses passed down through three

¿Qué es la iridología?

¿Qué es la iridología?

What is Iridology? small logo Holistic Health Collegesmall logo 94 Grosvenor Road London SW1V 3LF Tel: +44 (0)20 7834 3579 Fax: +44 (0)20 7821 0255 Email: What is Iridology? Iridology is the study of the Iris of the eye to determine information about bodily constitutional strengths and weaknesses, levels of inflammation and toxaemia, functions of the eliminative systems, body

What is Iridology??

What is Iridology??

Iris is the Greek name of the goddess of the rainbow. Ology also comes from Greek meaning study of, therefore iridology, literally translated means study of the colours of the eye. The Greeks noticed there were different markings and colours in eyes and Irides were mentioned in the works of Hippocrates and Philostratus. Early pioneers in modern day iridology recorded