That is an excellent question, Alistair. The iris analysis is based on scientific research that has been done for many years by professionals in Europe and The States. The iris is actually mapped as to what regions in the iris correspond with what organs in the body, but the key to understanding iridology is understanding the anatomy of the eye …
What Is Iridology Iridology is the evaluation/assessment of the iris (the coloured portion of the eye), as reflected by the brain. Think of it like a camera and film. The body is the subject being photographed. The brain is the mirror reflecting the message to the iris instead of to film. Each and every organ and system of the body …
Posted: Jun 17th 2007 12:58PM by Rigel Gregg Filed under: Alternative Therapies What is iridology? I’d never heard of it before now, but it’s the study of the iris to determine the overall well-being and health of person. Practitioners of iridology believe that every color, fiber, pattern, and defect in the iris of the eye is a direct reflection of …
Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye in order to diagnose the presence of any disease. Iridology is based on the assumption that every organ in the human body has a corresponding location within the iris and that one can determine whether an organ is healthy or diseased by examining the iris. Traditional medical practitioners also recognize …
What is Iridology? Iridology is an alternative medical discipline which involves the diagnosis of disease by studying the iris of the eye. According to iridologists, the areas of the eye correspond to bodily systems and areas of the body. Changes in the iris, they say, can reflect problems in that area of the body. Iridology is not a method of treatment, nor …
Reflexology is an alternative therapy based on massage of the feet. The idea is that parts of the body can be mapped onto areas of the feet. There is no known mechanism by which massaging the feet can affect other parts of the body (other than the simple soothing and relaxing effect that any massage gives) and no evidence that …