Maikong-Professional Iridology Camera Iriscope Fabricant et fournisseur

caméra d'iridologie

» caméra d'iridologie

测试 How to irodology chart without ruining anyone’s life. (Or your own.)

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caméra d'iridologie
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irodology chart

Qu'est-ce que l'iridologie?

Qu'est-ce que l'iridologie?

Iridology (sometimes referred to as iris diagnosis) is based on the bizarre belief that each area of the body is represented by a corresponding area in the iris of the eye (the colored area around the pupil). According to this viewpoint, a person’s state of health and disease can be diagnosed from the color, texture, and location of various pigment flecks in the eye. Iridology practitioners claim to diagnose “déséquilibres” that can be treated with vitamins, minerals, herbs, and similar products. Some also claim that the eye markings can reveal a complete history of past illnesses as well as previous treatment. One textbook, for example, states that a white triangle in the appropriate area indicates appendicitis, but a black speck indicates that the appendix had been removed by surgery. Iridology charts—dozens of which exist—vary somewhat in the location and interpretation of their iris signs. Some iridologists use a computer to help them analyze eye photographs and select the products they recommend. Sclerology is similar to iridology but interprets the shape and condition of blood vessels on the white portion (sclera) of the eyeball.

irodology chart

cours d'iridologie rayid

cours d'iridologie rayid

Présenté par Jason Eldridge Certified Rayid Teacher & Praticien russe

Rayid est un art de guérison qui identifie profondément et avec précision l'individu. Rayid vous fournit des outils puissants pour l'auto-guérison physique et émotionnelle, pour nourrir votre âme et son destin.

Apprenez tout sur:

The Iris: les leçons et les cadeaux de toutes les positions de l'iris, les anneaux d'iris + beaucoup plus
Ordre de naissance & Guérison des arbres généalogiques
Découvrez des méditations profondes et émouvantes
Les vibrations des glandes, des organes & systèmes corporels
Croissance par le «travail de l'ombre»
Vivre dans des études de cas de classe
Faites évoluer votre conscience et faites du monde un endroit beaucoup plus beau!

irodology chart

Iridologist Job Duties

Iridologist Job Duties

Those considering careers in iridology should note that iridology is not recognized by the mainstream medical community in the U.S. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed evidence that iridology has no therapeutic value, and most U.S. insurance companies do not cover iridology.According to the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA), iridologists conduct close examinations of the human iris, the colored portion of the eye, using tools such as flashlights, magnifying glasses and cameras . After taking close-up images of the iris, iridologists examine factors such as eye color, spots and noticeable rings. They also look at the white portion of the eyes, known as the sclera. Iridologists then compare images of the patient’s eyes to various charts that indicate correlations between markers on the iris and sclera with potential health conditions.During consultations with patients, iridologists explain any abnormalities found on the patient’s iris or sclera. For example, certain iris colors have been linked to digestive problems or allergies. Iridologists may instruct patients on homeopathic ways of dealing with health problems, such as taking supplements, making dietary changes or increasing physical activity.

irodology chart

Lieu d'origineGuangdong, Chine
Garantie1 an
Service après-venteSupport technique vidéo
Tapercaméra d'iridologie, iriscope
FonctionnalitéAnalyse de la pigmentation, analyse des rides cutanées, détection de l'humidité de la peau
ApplicationPour un usage domestique
Nom de la marqueMAIKO
Numéro de modèleMK-9822U
LangueAnglais / Espagnol
SystèmeWindows XP, Win2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple Mac OS
Résolution du capteur CCD5,0MP
Détails de l'emballageCarton d'exportation
Délai de mise en œuvre5-7 jours (selon la quantité)
Capacité d'approvisionnement10000 pièces / pièces par mois
Taille du paquet unique33x28x12 cm
Poids brut unique2,500 kg

tableau d'iridologie tableau d'iridologie diagrammes d'iridologie à télécharger gratuitement Tableau d'iridologie d'angle


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