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cours en ligne d'iridologie

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cours en ligne d'iridologie

cours en ligne d'iridologie

  • Comment l'auto-diagnostic de l'iridologie?

    What is iridology diagnosis? Although the study of the eye can be traced back to ancient civilizations, clinical iridology was introduced in the late nineteenth century by Ignatz von Peczely, a Hungarian doctor. Von Peczely designed his first iris chart after he noticed a correlation between streaks or markers in a patient’s iris and corresponding physical ailments. Since the creation

  • Voici un chemin rapide vers l'Iridology Course

    iridology Training & certification Iridologists receive training from various sources. They may learn their trade through books, tapes, correspondence courses, online classes, or live classes. According to the IIPA,Iridology operates in a gray area in North America. In general, there are no laws defining or regulating the practice. In Europe, especially in Germany, Iridology is well recognized and routinely

  • cours d'iridologie en ligne

    iridology courses online PDF EBOOK Bernard Jensen.d.c Iridology chart John Andrews Iridology IridologyRayid method as an instrument of rayid Iridology-FAQ-Introduction0404 Iridology_Study_of_Eyes_to_Diagnoses_Health_Problems_2010 Iridology.CourseSample iridology science confronts the paranormal by kendrick frazier Iridology means study of the iris Iridology IIntroduction to Iridology, Origins, History, Theoretical and Scientific Basis IRIDOLOGY -eyes iridology courses Chart What iridology courses? Iridology also commonly referred

  • Iridologie Rayid : qu'est-ce que c'est, graphique, pourquoi

    Qu’est-ce que l’iridologie Rayid ? L'iridologie combinée à la méthode Rayid est une analyse approfondie spécialisée de la santé et du comportement utilisant cette méthode scientifique à travers les structures fibreuses complexes de l'iris des yeux via le nerf optique, pour déterminer certains états de santé émotionnelle et physique. L'iridologie identifie des affections spécifiques aiguës, subaiguës, préchroniques, chroniques, dégénératives et génétiques. Cela prend en charge …

  • Définition de l'iridologie! Voici ce que j'ai appris

    definition of iridology! Here’s what I learned What is iridology? Iridology (also known as iridodiagnosis or iridiagnosis) is an alternative medicine technique whose proponents claim that patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about a patient’s systemic health. Practitioners match their observations to iris charts, which divide the iris into zones that correspond

  • iridology nerve rings

    What is iridology nerve rings? Nerve Rings or Stress Rings: Location: The ciliary zone; Appearance: It look like growth rings on a tree; Symptoms: The more of these rings a person has, the more nervous the person is. It tend to be perfectionists and are highly active and accomplishment-oriented. iridology nerve rings images