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Dr. bernard jensen’s son (Art Jensen) and daughter(Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen)

September 30, 2017

Dr. bernard jensen’s have one son (Art Jensen) and one daughter(Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen),

They still teaching the iridology in USA.


Who is Bernard Jensen

One of the greatest healers the world has ever known.Bernard Jensen

Le Dr Jensen a passé plus de 60 ans en tant que pionnier dans le domaine de la santé holistique, aidant à ouvrir la voie à la révolution alternative de la santé que nous vivons maintenant.

Le Dr Jensen a commencé sa carrière au West Coast Chiropractic College où Bernard est devenu le plus jeune médecin de l'État de Californie. Il a ensuite commencé une étude intensive de l'iridologie. Il a beaucoup voyagé à la recherche de connaissances sur la santé, une recherche qui l'a conduit à plus de 65 pays pour observer les modes de vie des gens et leurs diverses façons de manger. Chaque endroit a fourni un secret de santé différent.

Suite au chemin des praticiens de la Great Nature Cure, le Dr Jensen a exploité ses propres sanitarums de santé à Altadena et à Escondido Californie depuis plus de 40 ans.

Les gens à la recherche de la santé et du rajeunissement sont venus du monde entier à son ranch Hidden Valley Health à Escondido, pour apprendre les principes auxquels il croyait et enseigné.

Au fil des ans, le Dr Jensen a reçu plusieurs prix et des diplômes du monde entier. Certains faits saillants ont été, en 1953, il a été récipiendaire du prix d'Instantz von Peczely International Iridology Gold Medal à San Remo, en Italie. En 1982, il a reçu le prix Pioneer Doctor of the Year de la National Health Federation. Il a reçu le prix Pax Mundi pour la paix mondiale en 1984.

Tout au long de sa carrière, le Dr Jensen a écrit et publié plus de 40 livres. En 1952, a-t-il publié, la science et la pratique de l'iridologie, volume 1, qui est rapidement devenue un classique dans le domaine et l'a établi comme l'une des principales autorités mondiales sur le sujet. Son deuxième volume a reçu une renommée internationale. Certains de ses autres livres merveilleux incluent la chimie de l'homme, les aliments qui guérissent et le nettoyage des tissus par la gestion de l'intestin.

After working with over 350,000 patients, Dr. Jensen firmly believed that iridology coupled with nutrition are the greatest single therapy to be applied in the holistic healing arts and that “We must treat the patient, not just the disease.”

Son Art Jensen

Art Jensen

Art was the first born son to Dr. Bernard Jensen and his second wife, Elsie Jensen. He grew up on Dr. Jensen’s health ranches, helping in the gardens and kitchen. He later went to college and studied business, accounting and tax preparation. He worked in the field of insurance for several years. He operated several businesses of his own including accounting and tax preparation. Art Jensen managed the Hidden Valley Health Ranch for his father for thirty years. When Dr. Bernard Jensen passed away, it was his desire for Art to take over his business. Art now owns and operates Bernard Jensen International as the President and Director. He coordinates and manages the shipping of natural health products throughout the world, and all operations of BJI. Art is dedicated to preserving the writings and research of Dr. Bernard Jensen so this timeless information will continue to be available. He also oversees and manages the seminars and classes presented by his wife, Ellen Tart-Jensen, and they travel together throughout the world presenting Iridology and Nutrition Seminars.

daughter-Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen | Iridologist, Nutritional Consultant

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Having suffered for years with Scoliosis, Fibromyalgia, severe pain, and numerous surgeries she searched for answers to these health issues. Ellen began studying alternative medicine and natural healing. Her studies led her to a natural healing clinic in Switzerland where she learned many invaluable healing methods.

She then studied for several years with the legendary natural healer Dr. Bernard Jensen at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in California. This was the place where he helped over 350,000 patients get on the path to wellness.

Ellen became his Protégé learning all that he had to teach in the field of Iridology, nutrition, cleansing, and numerous other healing methods. Over time she became completely healthy, vibrant, and free from pain! All together Ellen has studied and worked in the field of Iridology and natural healing for close to 30 years. She now is an internationally recognized authority in Iridology and Sclerology.

Her books and educational courses in cleansing and Iridology are used by natural healing schools and students around the world. She is well noted for her work in the integrated form of Jensen Iridology. In addition she is an instructor and Dean of The School of Iridology for Westbrook University and teaches for the University of Natural Medicine. She has served as President of the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA) and is Vice-President of Bernard Jensen International.

She also teaches classes in Iridology, Cleansing and Nutrition throughout the world. Ellen’s latest accomplishments include her new book Health is Your Birthright, as well as her new line of next generation cleansing and nutritional supplements. Her supplements include an effective five step cleanse called The Internal Cleanse Tool Kit and a 100% Certified Organic nutritional supplement called Super Organic Rainbow Salad.

She has a busy practice, “Lifestyle Counseling Service” and travels around the world teaching whole food nutrition and natural healing principals. Ellen is passionate about educating people to live a vibrant, healthy and happy life. She lives in San Marcos, California with her husband Art Jensen.

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