Maikong-Professional Iridology Camera Iriscope Fabricant et fournisseur


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Features of a professional portable iriscope

May 19, 2015

It is know that eyes from the embryonic stage have a great amount of nerve terminals that are connected to the brain and to all the body, therefore iris is capable of reflecting issues related with the state and performance of many organs. All these signs can be detected with the help of appropriated equipment such as the iriscope.

Features of a professional portable iriscope

The iriscope is a tool capable of capturing an image of iris which then can be opened and processed on a computer in order to detect all the signs reflected on it and therefore, detect in time the possible weaknesses of the patient. There are many options available on the market; however it is important to choose the best tool in order to obtain the highest quality images of irises.

Best iriscopes available can provide images of even eight megapixels; however one of the obstacles to take a good picture of the eye constitutes the difficulty to maintain the eyelids of the patient with an appropriate aperture; however it is possible to find modern portable iriscopes with a structure that helps the patient maintain eyelids open wide enough to take a full picture of the eye, one of these is the Dino-Lite iriscope.
Dino-Lite iriscope: a portable microscope of high resolution

Iridologic Rings Dino-Lite iriscope is a usb microscope-camera which can be attached to the computer capturing images that allow the iridologist to observe the smallest details and signs reflected by iris, as the slightest changes of coloration from one sector to another. According to the experience of some professionals on the field of iridology, this iriscope is useful to detect the smallest lesions which are starting to emerge between the fibbers of stroma.

The structure of the Dino-Lite iriscope is especially designed to provide additional support at the moment of taking the picture of the eye, additionally it is equipped with LED lighting which allows to illuminate the iris without damaging the eye but capturing a sharp image, some iriscopes can be employed with an external source of light, however, depending on the intensity of the light the reflection on the eye covers certain areas of the iris which can prevent the detection or more than one sign, nevertheless the two off set LED’s of Dino-Lite iriscope reduces glare allowing to capture the iris with more detail.

According to the naturopathic physician Frederike Otger from Netherlands, “the Dino-Lite iriscope constitutes a practical microscope camera that can be easily employed to obtain sharp images of irises. Thanks to the adjustable magnification I am able to adequately focus the eye to discover the smallest irregularities. My patients and I think that it is useful for us to see the images on a screen, in this way the patient is able to participate in the diagnosis and express his opinion”. This valuable portable tool can be combined with a tablet allowing the iridologist to work anywhere. Even though the Dino-Lite iriscope is connected to the computer through USB, it allows the iridologist to take a picture right from the scope itself, additionally it is designed to reduce the image blur at the moment of taking the iris picture.


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