Maikong-Professional Iridology Camera Iriscope Fabricant et fournisseur


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How Can Iridology Help You?

May 11, 2015

How Can Iridology Help You?
The iris records information about the state and functioning of every organ in the body as well as levels of inflammation and toxicity. This enables the underlying cause of the symptoms we may experience to be detected and removed.

The greatest advantage of iridology over other forms of health screening is that changes appear in the iris before the physical symptoms actually develops. Therefore, preventive action may be taken to improve health and avoid those diseases which might otherwise follow.

Iris Chart

Iridology does NOT reveal specific pathology (medical diseases) because many diseases create similar changes in the body tissues; rather it reflects hereditary tendencies and the condition of the tissues (i.e. inflammation, acidity, toxicity, congested lymph, and hardening of the arteries). Iridology is therefore not concerned with specific symptoms, but with the restoration and maintenance of health by building up the body’s immunity and healing ability.


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