MAIKONG-Système d'iriscope de caméra d'iridologie professionnelle Fabricant et fournisseur

caméra d'iridologie

» caméra d'iridologie

iridologic camera iriscope DM9988 for pc japan CCD IC

Catégorie et étiquettes:
caméra d'iridologie, iriscope , , ,
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  • Caractéristiques

iridologic camera iriscope DM9988 for pc japan CCD ICiridologic camera iriscope DM9988 for pc japan CCD IC 2 iridologic camera iriscope DM9988 for pc japan CCD IC 3 iridologic camera iriscope DM9988 for pc japan CCD IC 4

iridologic camera iriscope DM9988 for pc japan CCD IC

Colour: Orchid color
single gross weight (kg):
2.5 exactly kg boxes net
weight (kg): 13 kgs

1.Alternative light, adjust brightness automatically , delete the photos ,adjust the focus ,quick fixed photos with white balance .high stability of color. Connect with computer directly without outside power and easy to operate.
2. the software can save and correct the client information and details of products ,after take photos ,you can analysis the iris picture and compare the picture .can print the analysis report
( adjust the focus to 1-3X ) ,save the photos according to the time you take photos
3..add hair lens ,see the injured hair , hair character , dander and scalp bacterium
4.Upgrade the copyright according clients need .
This machine will help the client know his health condition frankly ,including the problem which you have get in the former ,now and future .and the Iridology will be your health counselor, tell you how to keep away from the illness and sub-health.
Accessories : a basic iridology book (Chinese Version).one piece of iris studying VCD (Chinese Version),iris chart ,12 basic iris symptom chart

This one is more suit for the people who has a laptap it just connect with computer through the USB and doesn’t need the outside power.

net weight :3kg
Spec : 33×28.5×11.5 cm



LOGICIEL MAIKONG IRIDOLOGIE Installation et fonctionnement


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